The weather forecast for Nantes

Nantes: Here is the Weather Forecast for Wednesday 11th March

WEATHER: The sun will find it difficult to pierce amidst the clouds that will last throughout the day in Nantes. Light showers will be possible. The temperatures will be 13 ° C in the morning and 14 ° C in the afternoon … Today, the sun will be hidden behind clouds in Nantes, where the weather will be […]

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Overflows are expected Tuesday morning in Bordeaux (Gironde)

Gironde Placed on Orange Alert for Risks of Floods

The municipalities of the Garonne-Dordogne confluence have been on orange alert since Monday 9th March 2020. In Bordeaux (Gironde), overflows are expected Tuesday morning. This Monday, March 9, 2020, the Gironde-Adour-Dordogne flood forecasting service placed all of the municipalities of the Garonne-Dordogne confluence in orange vigilance, the Prefecture announced today. Strong tides The triggering of vigilance is linked to a period of very strong tides, […]

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Calvados, Eure-et-Loir and Tarn-et-Garonne also on orange alert for flooding

Weather: Calvados, Eure-et-Loir and Tarn-et-Garonne Also on Orange Alert for Flooding

In addition to Vendée and Deux-Sèvres, Meteo France placed Calvados, Eure-et-Loir and Tarn-et-Garonne this Friday 6th March in orange alert for floods Six departments are placed on orange alert for flooding by Meteo France this Friday 6th March. They are Vendée, affected by a flood on the Lay , and Deux-Sèvres, where the Sèvre niortaise is also in […]

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The department of Manche is placed on the alert yellow storms and rain-flood by Météo France this Thursday, March 5. The disturbances should only concern the start of the day.

Weather: The Manche Placed on the Yellow Alert for Thunderstorms and Floods

Meteo France placed the department of Manche on the alert for thunderstorms and floods on Thursday 5th March. This yellow alert essentially concerns the start of the day. After the storms, make way for thunderstorms. Meteo France has placed the department of Manche on the yellow alert for storms, heavy rain and floods. This alert concerns the first half of the day on Thursday 5th […]

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Storm Karine. Winds up to 100 km/h and Rain Expected in Toulouse and Occitanie on Monday 1

Storm Karine. Winds up to 100 km/h and Rain Expected in Toulouse and Occitanie on Monday

Monday 2nd March 2020, it is the storm named Karine which will sweep Occitanie and Toulouse with strong winds which could reach 110 km/h. What awaits you. Monday 2nd March 2020, after the storm Leon which crossed the centre of France, it is the storm Karine which points its nose, this time in the Southwest quarter. […]

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