Coronavirus in Rennes: No Patient is a Carrier of the British Mutation in the Chantepie Cluster

Local News
No patient is a carrier of the British mutation in the Rennes Chantepie cluster

EPIDEMIC: The alert in Rennes was launched Thursday by the Directorate General of Health

False alarm. The coronavirus cluster detected in the Chantepie geriatric centre, near Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine), is ultimately not a carrier of the new mutation of coronavirus Covid-19 from the United Kingdom. The alert had however been given on Thursday 7th January by the General Directorate of Health before being denied the next day by the national research centre of the Institut Pasteur.

This Tuesday, the institute sent its final conclusions to the Breton Regional Health Agency. “The additional results expected within the framework of the health survey on the cases identified at the Rennes geriatric centre of Chantepie confirm that the variant involved in the contaminations is not the VOC 202012/01 mutation circulating in the United Kingdom”, specifies the ‘ARS in a statement.

READ MORE: Coronavirus in Ille-et-Vilaine: The Epidemic is Skyrocketing in the Department

Seven residents and members of staff were infected with a variant of Covid-19 but the latter “is already known by infectious disease specialists and is not the subject of a particular alert having appeared sporadically for several months in a few territories” .

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