Electric Cigarette Exploded Injuring Hand

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Electric cigarette exploded

Electric cigarette exploded“It was like a grenade,” tells the victim of the electric cigarette that exploded.

The man who seriously wounded his hand, on the night of Friday to Saturday, by the explosion of the battery of his electric cigarette is due out from the clinic today, Monday, where he was hospitalized for the injury to his hand. He will however still have to under go a long rehabilitation after having two severed tendons.

“I could have been disfigured”

“The electronic cigarette began to whistle”, says Brice aged 21, talking to the newspaper Presse Océan earlier today, Monday. “I moved it away from my mouth and within a quarter of a second later it exploded.  It was like a grenade. It blew up in my hand.was hand.  I could as well have been disfigured. The glass liquid tube that was a metre from me, too, exploded! ”

The young man, originally from Ligné (Loire-Atlantique), is angry. “I do not know if I will ever get full mobility of my fingers.  I work as a DJ, and cannot work as I could not mix … ”  He plans to file a complaint as soon as possible.  “We need the public to be made aware.  I do not want it to be swept over or it could happen again! I will go to the end! “He continues in Press Ocean.

A model made in China

The electronic cigarette was a model manufactured in China and sold throughout France.  An investigation was opened by the gendarmerie. It will include whether the explosion was due to a faulty battery or improper use.

Only a few incidents of this type have been identified so far in France.  On 6 September 2014, an elderly person in Limoges had been the victim of the explosion of the battery of his electric cigarette, which was in the pocket of his trousers.


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