End of the Hanball season in France due to coronavirus

Coronavirus: End of Season in Starligue, PSG still Champion, HBC Nantes Finishes 2nd

After Emmanuel Macron’s speech, the Ligue nationale de handball (LNH) announced that it will end the championships definitively this season. Final whistle for the Lidl Starligue. This Tuesday 14th April 2020, the steering committee of the National Handball League announced to put an end to the championships and to freeze the rankings, according to a press release.  📊 Le classement […]

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Nantes-Atlantique closes the terminal from Monday, March 30. due to Coronavirus Epidemic

Coronavirus: Commercial Flights Stop at Nantes Airport, the Terminal Closes Monday 30th March

Commercial flights to Nantes-Atlantique are all suspended from Monday 30th March due to the coronavirus epidemic and the containment measures in place. As a result, the airport closes the terminal. A permanence is maintained for special flights (sanitary and freight). The message is displayed in red on the Nantes Airport website: “In view of the suspension of commercial flights from […]

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In a building under construction in Nantes, individuals tried to snatch the mirror from a bathroom

In Nantes, They Steal a Bathroom Mirror from a Building Under Construction

Police arrested two individuals in Nantes while loading a stolen mirror into their vehicle, Wednesday 18th March 2020. Does containment give (bad) ideas to some? On Wednesday 18th March 2020, around 9.30 pm, the police arrested two individuals on avenue du Parc de Procé in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique). Read also: Coronavirus: the fine for unjustified displacement increased to 135 euros Traces of […]

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The Nantes Carnival postponed due to the coronavirus

Coronavirus in Nantes: Carnival Postponed to a Later Date

EPIDEMIC: The carnival event should take place from March 29th to April 4th in the streets of Nantes The decision has just been made this Tuesday evening. Compromised since the coronavirus epidemic has grown in France, like many other events, the Nantes Carnival will finally be postponed. The Nemo association has just announced it on its Facebook page. The new dates […]

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The weather forecast for Nantes

Nantes: Here is the Weather Forecast for Wednesday 11th March

WEATHER: The sun will find it difficult to pierce amidst the clouds that will last throughout the day in Nantes. Light showers will be possible. The temperatures will be 13 ° C in the morning and 14 ° C in the afternoon … Today, the sun will be hidden behind clouds in Nantes, where the weather will be […]

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Maitre Gims postpones part of his tour due to coronavirus

Coronavirus: Maitre Gims Postpones Part of his Tour

RAP:  Several concerts by Gims, in Nantes, Bordeaux, Lyon or Marseille, are postponed to June and July due to the risk of coronavirus epidemic in France “It is a real heartbreaker but our sense of responsibility means that we must take no risk with the health of all those who make the success of our business. In […]

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Woman in Nantes, confirmed to have coronavirus

58-Year-Old Woman Tested Positive for Coronavirus, Hospitalised at Nantes University Hospital

The state of health of this 58-year-old patient is reassuring, said the Pays de la Loire Regional Health Agency on Friday 28th February 2020. Update on the situation. A 58-year-old woman was diagnosed with coronavirus in Nantes, has been confirmed on the 28th February 2020 by the Pays de la Loire regional health agency. “Reassuring […]

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The Ikea store in Saint-Herblain-Atlantis, near Nantes

Nantes: Man Found Dead in Ikea Atlantis Car Park

Man falls from stairs, in the underground parking at the Ikea in the Atlantis Shopping Centre, Nantes, police say This Thursday morning at the Atlantis shopping centre in Saint-Herblain, Nantes. Around 10:15 a.m., rescue workers were called in an emergency after the discovery of an inanimate man in the underground parking lot of the Ikea furniture store. The Samu could not […]

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A new “Dead Port” operation began on Wednesday January 22, 2020 at the port of Nantes / Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), as part of the movement against pension reform

Saint-Nazaire: The Port Blocked Again for Three Days

A new “Dead Port” operation began on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at the port of Nantes / Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), as part of the movement against pension reform. A new operation “Dead Port” began on Wednesday 22nd January 2020 at the port of Nantes / Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique), as part of the movement against pension reform. This national movement, at the […]

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