Meteo France: Ten Departments of the South-West Placed on Orange Alert For Thunderstorms

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1à departments have been placed on Orange alert for thunderstorms

WEATHER: The orange alert issued by Meteo France concerns in particular the Gironde and the Dordogne. 

Ten departments in the southwest of France have been announced a weather warning and are placed on an orange alert for violent thunderstorms announced Meteo France.

“At the end of the afternoon, a stormy degradation arrives from the southwest of France, gradually gaining inland”, explains Meteo France.

First over southern Aquitaine and the Pyrenees, the stormy wave quickly spreads to Occitanie and northern New Aquitaine “, warns Meteo France, which warns: ” These thunderstorms can be violent, sometimes accompanied by heavy rain, hail and strong gusts of wind exceeding 100 km/h ”. They should subside in the first part of the night.

In addition to these particularly targeted departments, Météo-France also anticipates that “from the end of the afternoon, from the Pays de Loire and southern Normandy to the Centre-Val de Loire and Burgundy, ” stormy showers are triggered, they are locally intense but more isolated ”.

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