Weather in Paris Placed in Heatwave Red Alert, 40 Degrees Expected

Local News
Friday August 7, 2020, Météo France triggered the red heatwave alert for Paris.

Friday 7th August 2020, Meteo France placed Paris on heatwave red alert indicating that temperatures could reach 40 degrees on Saturday 8th August

In Paris, the heatwave continues and intensifiesFriday 7th August 2020, Meteo France placed Paris on heatwave red alert indicating that at 3 p.m., 38 degrees had been recorded in the capital. On Saturday, temperatures go up a notch with 39 degrees announced, 40 degrees not excluded adds Meteo France.

A “particularly intense” heatwave episode

In its latest bulletin, published Friday 7 at 4 p.m., Météo France announces a “heat wave remarkable in terms of intensity and duration, particularly intense in highly urbanized areas, all in a context of significant sensitivity related to pollution to ozone and covid-19 “.

For Saturday 8th August the minimum will oscillate between 23 to 24 degrees in Paris. The maximums will reach 36 to 39 degrees (40 degrees not excluded). Sunday 9 could be the hottest day. The minimum temperatures will reach 25 degrees in Paris and the maximum will be between 37 and 40 degrees.

A drop in temperatures forecast for mid-week

This scorching episode should continue at least until Tuesday, August 11, with temperatures still remaining very high, both as regards the minimums (22 to 24 degrees for Paris and the inner suburbs) and the maximums (35 to 39 degrees ).

A drop in temperatures should occur on Wednesday 12 or Thursday 13 August.

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