EPIDEMIC: The regional health agency (ARS) gave details on the new confirmed case of coronavirus in Charente this Wednesday evening
The regional health agency (ARS) gave details on the new confirmed case of coronavirus in Charente this Wednesday evening. It is a 24-year-old woman returning from a trip to Egypt. Her state of health is not worrying, she is kept at home with medical follow-up.
Friday, a first case had been formalised in the department. It was about a woman, of return of the evangelical gathering of Mulhouse. Her condition was considered to be of little concern.
The situation is racing on the other hand in Charente-Maritime where 9 new cases were revealed this morning by the regional health agency. There had been six on Tuesday. This brings the number of patients in the department to 22. Charente-Maritime is, with Lot-et-Garonne, 23 cases, the most affected department of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
In total, in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, 19 new cases have been confirmed today.