Normandy should have a very pleasant weekend, Saturday 2nd June and Sunday 3rd June, 2018. The sun will be almost everywhere
After a week between heavy heat and regular thunderstorms, Normandy will spend the weekend of Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June, 2018 in a pleasant meteorological calm.
Saturday, an almost perfect day
The slight haze announced for Saturday morning could be misleading … Between the 15 degrees of Cherbourg and the 19 degrees of Alençon , morning temperatures will be mild.
And from the beginning of the afternoon, the sun will take its place, especially in Caen and Saint-Lô . Upper Normandy will also have its share, with 22 degrees in Evreux . The situation will slightly deteriorate in the late afternoon, on the Eure and Orne : light rains are announced by Meteo France. Elsewhere, it will be nice!

Sunday, a time to grill chipos
Like Sunday, where you have to get up early to prepare marinades. 24 degrees in Rouen, 25 degrees in Flers and 26 degrees in Lisieux … In short, a time to enjoy chipolatas outdoors!
And the digestion can be done easily on the deckchairs, despite the few clouds that will emerge on Lower Normandy and the light haze that will cover the Seine-Maritime and the Eure . Enjoy your meal !