This Sunday, Meteo France has placed 48 departments from Brittany to the Alps, not passing Aquitaine, in orange alert because of a new stormy episode.
The lull will have been short-lived. Thunderstorms are back this Sunday, June 3 and Météo France has placed 48 departments in orange alert. Vigilance will be required from mid-day until the end of the evening.
All of Brittany, the Loire Valley, the New Aquitaine, part of the Occitanie , region Centre and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes were originally concerned. Around 10 am, the alert was extended to the entire center and the center-east of the country.
🌩🇫🇷#MÉTÉO : 48 départements de la façade ouest, du centre et de l’est du pays ont été placés en vigilance orange « orages » par @meteofrance, ce dimanche.
— 🌐Le Globe (@LeGlobe_info) June 3, 2018
Hail, heavy rainfall and wind gusts
According to Meteo France, storms will be accompanied by hail, a strong electrical activity, and especially precipitation accumulations up to 30 to 50 mm locally, or very occasionally 80 mm peak. Local floods are expected.
Gusts of wind reaching 70 to 90 km/h, or 100 km/h locally, are also expected.
Record of lightning impacts in May
Thunderstorms were particularly intense in May in France, a month that broke the record of lightning strikes and spared no territory.