Heatwave: The Minister of Health Anticipates the Hot Weather by requesting the Identification of “Cool Places”

General News
Minister of Healmth, Agnès Buzyn to anticipate the heatwave

DEADLY WEATHER: Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Health, prefers safe than sorry …

Alert hot weather! On the occasion of the activation of the plan for a heatwave, each beginning of June, the  Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn , announced that it had asked the mayors to make a “census” of places such as libraries, where vulnerable people could go to cool off during hot weather, and that we do not necessarily think naturally .

Ms. Buzyn pleaded the necessary mobilization of all: “everyone should have a careful look at people in the street, bring a bottle of water, call the 15 “if necessary, everybody is concerned,” she said. The Minister stressed the importance of taking preventive measures without waiting for the lights to be on red.

As every year, the national heatwave plan, with the first level of “seasonal sleep” was activated on 1 June. There are four alert levels each corresponding to specific prevention and management actions. Monitoring at the “seasonal sleep” involves the mobilization upstream region of state services. They put in place appropriate preventive and communication initiatives and strengthened for the population, especially the most vulnerable (elderly, isolated, disabled, precarious, homeless, pregnant women, young children …), according to General Directorate for Health (DGS).

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