France suspends the coronavirud Covid-19 AstraZeneca vaccine

Coronavirus: France Suspends use of AstraZeneca Vaccine until European Review

EPIDEMIC: The European Agency will hold an “extraordinary meeting” on the AstraZeneca coronavirus Covid-19 vaccine on Thursday France, in turn, decided on Monday to “suspend as a precaution” the use of the coronavirus Cpvid-19 vaccine AstraZeneca, pending an opinion from the European drug authority which will be issued on Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron announced during a meeting. press conference in Montauban. The Head […]

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Germany, Italy and Spain suspend the use of the AstraZeneca Coronavirus Covid-19 Vaccine

Coronavirus: Germany, Italy and Spain in Turn Suspend Vaccination with AstraZeneca

VACCINE: Like many European countries, Germany has suspended the coronavirus Covid-19 vaccination with AstraZeneca, suspected of producing dangerous side effects Germany, Italy and Spain suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca against the coronavirus on Monday, as did France on the same day, i.e. the four largest European countries. AstraZeneca’s vaccine was one of four vaccines authorized for administration in France to fight the Covid-19 […]

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Firefighters in Bouches-du-Rhône have suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca vaccine

Coronavirus: Bouches-du-Rhône Firefighters Suspend Vaccination of their Staff with AstraZeneca

VACCINATION: Nearly ten countries have suspended the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine as a precaution Like several countries, the Bouches-du-Rhône firefighters on Monday suspended the vaccination of their staff with the AstraZeneca vaccine after adverse side effects, they announced. “As a precaution, we suspended the second injection of the AstraZeneca vaccine,” said a spokesperson for the Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS), […]

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Netherlands suspends use of AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine

Coronavirus: The Netherlands Suspends the Use of the AstraZeneca Vaccine until 28th March

PRECAUTION: The Ministry of Health in the Netherlands took this decision after the emergence of “possible side effects” of the AstraZeneca vaccine in Denmark and Norway Mistrust is growing even more towards the AstraZeneca vaccine against coronavirus Covid-19. The Netherlands suspended its use on Sunday as a precaution until the 28th March inclusive, after “possible side effects” were reported […]

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Health Authorities in Ireland recommended suspending AstraZeneca Vaccination

Coronavirus: Irish Health Authorities Recommend Suspending AstraZeneca Vaccine

VACCINATION: Irish health authorities evoke a principle of “precaution” on the AstraZeneca coronavirus Covid-19 vaccine Will Ireland be the next country to suspend the famous vaccine? Irish health authorities recommended Sunday to suspend as a “precaution” the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine against the coronavirus, after cases of blood clots were reported in Norway, without a proven link having however been […]

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Batch of AstraZeneca discarded in Austria after death of nurse

Vaccination in Austria: A Batch of AstraZeneca Discarded as a Precaution after the Death of a Nurse

VACCINES: European Medicines Agency investigation found no link between causes of death and the AstraZeneca vaccination The European Medicines Agency announced on Wednesday that a preliminary investigation had established no link between AstraZeneca’s vaccine against Covid-19 and the death of an Austrian nurse who had been injected with it. In the wake of this death, the Austrian health authorities had stopped administering […]

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Vaccination in Switzerland: around 100 cases of serious side effects, including 16 deaths

Vaccination in Switzerland: Around 100 Cases of Serious Side Effects, Including 16 Deaths

Since the start of the Coronavirus vaccination campaign in Switzerland, the Swissmedic service has received reports of around 100 cases of serious side effects, including 16 deaths. The campaign continues. Swissmedic, the Swiss Institute for Therapeutic Products, has received precisely 95 reports of serious side effects that are believed to be attributable to vaccinations. His statements come after […]

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Tim Zook, left, told of his excitement at getting his second dose of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine – only to die of what his wife thinks was a reaction to it days later

X-Ray Worker Who Was ‘So Excited’ to get Covid-19 Vaccine Dies Days After

VACCINE: An x-ray technician from California died days after Covid-19 Vaccine after a “Severe Reaction” An x-ray technician who shared his excitement about getting his coronavirus vaccine died days later after what his wife claims was a reaction to it. Tim Zook, from Santa Ana in California, wrote: “Never been so excited to get a […]

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Three dead after Pfizer-BioNtech Vaccine in Nancy, France

Covid-19. Three Dead in Nancy After Receiving the Pfizer Vaccine, Open Investigations According to Olivier Véran

The Minister of Health announced the opening of investigations after questions about the first deaths recorded after the injection in France of doses of vaccines. Five people have died in France after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus Covid-19 vaccine, the Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday 19th January 2021.  Among the victims, three deaths were recorded by […]

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A doctor death is been investigating after his death after coronavirus vaccine

Vaccination in the United States: Investigations Underway after the Death of a Doctor in Miami

Gregory Michael, obstetrician and gynaecologist, died 16 days after being vaccinated against the coronavirus in Florida, United States. If the cause of his death has not yet been established by the health authorities, the investigations are still ongoing Sixteen days after being vaccinated at his workplace, Gregory Michael, obstetrician and gynaecologist in Miami, died of internal […]

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