Roman candles were discovered in a vehicle in the Malakoff district in Nantes

Loire-Atlantique: The Sale and Use of Fireworks Prohibited until 3rd January 2021

The Prefect Didier Martin wants to avoid incidents and disturbances to public order in Loire-Atlantique and more particularly in Nantes. No more mortar fireworks in certain neighbourhoods in Nantes and the throwing of Molotov cocktails against the police during demonstrations. This is, in any case, the wish of Didier Martin, the prefect of Loire-Atlantique. In a decree taken this Monday , it prohibits “any […]

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Coronavirus in Nantes University, Students infected

Coronavirus in Nantes: Nine Positive Medical Students, 500 Students Tested on Monday

EPIDEMIC: The students had done integration evenings from August 24th to 27th in bars in Nantes The regional health agency of Pays de la Loire announced this Friday afternoon that nine medical students from the University of Nantes had been tested for the coronavirus. These students had made an integration rally from August 24 to 27 […]

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More positive cases of coronavirus in the Loire-Atlantique

Coronavirus in Loire-Atlantique: The Circulation of the Virus is Intensifying, Especially in Nantes

HEALTH: The Loire-Atlantique department was placed in “moderate vulnerability” for the coronavirus epidemic this Friday The numbers are below the national average but are increasing day by day. This Friday, Loire-Atlantique was placed in a situation of “moderate vulnerability” due to an increasingly intense circulation of the coronavirus, announces the Regional Health Agency. The incidence rate reached 23.7 cases per 100,000 […]

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In addition to wearing the mask, students and staff of the University of Nantes will have to respect the rules of social distancing

Coronavirus in Nantes: The University will Implement the Rule of One in Two Seats in its Lecture Halls

UNIVERSITY: In addition to wearing the mask, students and staff of the University of Nantes will have to respect the rules of social distancing The University of Nantes announces that the reception conditions will be upset for the return of students, scheduled for the next few days. Not all lessons can be done face-to-face because of […]

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Wearing a mask will become mandatory in certain areas of downtown Nantes, as of Friday 14th August 2020

Covid-19: Here are the Areas Where the Mask will be Mandatory, Outdoors, in Nantes

The prefect of Loire-Atlantique makes the wearing of a mask compulsory in certain public places in Nantes, from this Friday 14th August 2020. Here are the streets and squares concerned. The figures were not good, the decision was expected and the prefecture ended up deciding: the wearing of the mask will indeed be compulsory outdoors,  from this Friday […]

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A security guard attacked by two customers who did not want to wear a mask in Nantes

Nantes: A Security Guard Attacked by Two Customers who Did Not Want to Wear a Mask

Two young men were taken into custody on Monday afternoon in Nantes The attack took place at the entrance of a clothing store on rue du Calvaire in Nantes. On Monday afternoon, a security guard was injured in the skull by two customers he had just asked to wear a mask to enter the store. One of the two […]

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Fire in progress at Saint-Pierre cathedral in Nantes, sixty firefighters on site

Nantes: Fire in Progress at Saint-Pierre Cathedral, Sixty Firefighters on Site

The fire at the Cathedral in Nantes started very early this Saturday morning Very early this Saturday morning, a fire broke out in the Saint-Pierre cathedral in Nantes. About sixty firefighters were called to contain the incident. At around 8 a.m., the flames were no longer visible, but thick black smoke was emerging from the building under the […]

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Two seriosly injured after a fire in an apartment in Rennes

Rennes: Two Seriously Injured in an Apartment Fire

FIRE: A 50-year-old woman from Rennes was transported to the serious burns centre in Nantes after a fire in her apartment A fire started on Wednesday evening around 9:45 p.m. at 4 bis rue Bigot-de-Préameneu, in the Sainte-Thérèse district in Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine). Significant smoke was coming from a dwelling when witnesses alerted the firefighters. When they arrived, the emergency services discovered two […]

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Eight markets (out of 17) will be able to reopen in Nantes from Tuesday April 21, 2020.

Coronavirus: Markets will Gradually Reopen in Nantes from Tuesday 21st April

While the coronavirus epidemic is declining in the Pays de la Loire region, the city of Nantes has decided to reopen gradually and under market conditions. Eight food markets will reopen from Tuesday 21st April 2020, in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), the city announced in a press release this Friday evening. A decision made while the spread of the coronavirus epidemic […]

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Xenothera bio-tech is based in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique).

Covid-19: Xenothera, a Nantes Start-Up, will Test an Antibody-Based Treatment

Patients from the Nantes University Hospital, suffering from a moderate form of Covid-19, could benefit from a clinical trial from Xenothera in June 2020. It’s a time trial race. While the epidemic of the new coronavirus has already claimed at least 141,000 deaths worldwide, including 17,920 in France according to the latest official report, researchers are mobilizing to find an effective treatment against the disease. “It is […]

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