Coronavirus: The Global Death Toll Approaches 1,700 Dead, a 12th Confirmed Case in France

General News
People wait outside a Beijing pharmacy on February 15, 2020.

The death toll in China, linked to the coronavirus, approaches the threshold of 1,700 people. In France, the twelfth case of contamination has been confirmed.

A twelfth case of coronavirus has been confirmed in France by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. British, this person was part of the group of people who had stayed in the chalet des Contamines-Montjoie, in Haute-Savoie, “where, after the discovery of a first case, five people were then diagnosed positive last week, “added the press release.

On French territory, a Chinese patient, aged 80, died from this disease. It is the first death linked to Covid-19 in Europe.

1,665 dead in China

The number of deaths caused in mainland China by the new coronavirus approached Sunday 16th February 2020, is approaching 1700.

According to the latest report released by the Chinese authorities on Sunday, Covid-19 viral pneumonia caused the death of 1,665 people in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong and Macao). Most were in Hubei Province (centre), the focus of the epidemic that started in December in its capital Wuhan.

Only four deaths have been recorded elsewhere in the world: one in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory of Hong Kong and the other three respectively in Japan, the Philippines and France.

China also reported on Sunday more than 68,000 cases of contamination on its territory, mainly in Hubei province.

Tourists take selfies in a park in Beijing, February 15, 2020.
Tourists take selfies in a park in Beijing, February 15, 2020. (© AFP / WANG ZHAO)

Bank Notes in Quarantine

The Covid-19 epidemic keeps the world on the alert, with almost 600 confirmed cases of contamination in around 30 countries. Egypt announced Friday that it has registered the first case on the African continent .

But the main source of infection outside of China remains the cruise ship, Diamond Princess, in quarantine in Japan: 355 cases of contamination have been confirmed there, including 70 new cases announced on Sunday.

The liner had 3,711 passengers and crew members when it arrived in Yokohama on February 3rd. Since then, the infected people have been evacuated and hospitalized, as have some people who need medical treatment for other reasons.

As a sign of the draconian measures taken in China, the central bank announced on Saturday that used banknotes were now disinfected and placed in quarantine for up to 14 days, before being put back into circulation.

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