Coronavirus: Elisabeth Borne is Studying a Relaxation of Health Rules in Companies

General News Finance
Elisabeth Borne must discuss reducing health measures in companies with unions and employers

EMPLOYMENT: Employment and working health restrictions could change from mid-May according to Elizabeth Borne

Labor Minister  Elisabeth Borne is meeting with employers’ and union organizations on Monday. She will consult them in particular on teleworking in order to see how “to change the rules” of health measures in companies from mid-May.

The minister said she wanted to “give back the hand to companies and employees in the organization of this teleworking”, while shops, terraces and certain cultural establishments will gradually begin to reopen on this date. Until then “nothing will change”, assures the Ministry of Labor to Europe1 . But afterwards, what changes can we expect?

Fewer days teleworking

The end of teleworking is not for now. The minister called for it to continue, believing that it had “worked very well”. “In the last ten days, it has really jumped,” she said, citing a rate that rose from 65% to 78% among “workers who can easily telecommute”, or “a level higher than what we had had in the second confinement in November ”.

However, teleworking should be reduced. Instead of four or five remote days a week, teleworking could be reduced to three or two days. This reduction will be done gradually, specifies the entourage of the minister at Europe 1.

The return of the commute

When it comes to social distance, it should again be possible to have lunch with colleagues in company restaurants, while respecting a certain number of barrier gestures. The return to commuting will be authorized again, but will also be the subject of a precise health protocol, underlines the radio.

Regarding the reduction of health measures, there will be no privilege for vaccinated employees. Everyone will be accommodated in the same boat regardless of their situation. Everyone must continue to respect barrier gestures. As for the mask, the ministry indicates that “it is not tomorrow” that we risk removing it in business.

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