What are the Best Organic Products in 2018?

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Which are the best organic products of 2018

In the same way as traditional products, organic products also benefit from a distinction awarded by consumers. Which ones get the prize in 2018?

Who has never been tempted to taste or try a product labeled “Saveur de l’année”? The brands hope each year to affix the famous label on a red and blue background on one of their products.

This distinction reassures regulars and convinces others to slip into their supermarket cart.

Received from 16/20

In view of such a success of esteem and in view of the flourishing organic market, the Bioalaune site has launched its own distinction: ”  Best Organic Product “. And for the 6th consecutive year, he appealed to a panel of consumers to determine the winners in 2018 in three distinct categories: the food, the health products and cosmetics and cleaning products . To participate, all must be labeled, sold in specialized stores or on specific websites.

Then, to hope to receive the gold and black logo, each product in competition must be tested by a minimum of 100 testers . These consumers of organic products taste or try them at home before making their evaluation, anonymous and based on several criteria (smell, texture, efficiency …).

A tested product can benefit from the “Best Organic Product” logo only if its score obtained during the tests is greater than 16/20.

The 2018 winners

The 2018 vintage seems pretty good as 130 products (all categories combined) benefit from this distinction.

To name but a few, in the category “Health Products and Cosmetics”, Tidoo’s Children’s Night & Day Ecological Diapers are among them. As well as several roll-on deodorants from Weleda or the soft shower gel “In my bubble” of Propolia , made from honey, aloe vera and almond milk.

In terms of cleaning products, Scheuer & Le Scao conquered consumer testers with its cleansing cream with the evocative name “Qi lav’tout”! Other award-winning products: Almond Etamine Lys hypoallergenic dishwashing liquid or All cleansings from the Pure brand , a super active product based on vegetable soap and mint essential oil.

Finally, in the queen category, that of food, the distinctions are numerous. Among them, the brioche brioche 14% of the bakery Sicard , the bar of dark chocolate filled with lemon cream of Bonneterre or the 100% vegetable drink with the almond taste of Evernat .

Who are the tester consumers? 
Generally, Bio à la Une launches its call for applications during the spring. In 2017, best-products-bio.comreceived more than 10,000 entries from organic consumers. In the end, they were 2,000 selected to participate in the various tests. The evaluations take place during the month of September and the votes are taken, online, anonymously.
Would you like to be a tester next year? Pre-registrations will take place throughout the month of June 2018.

Complete list of 2018 winners on best-bio.com

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