The Constitutional Council rejects the second request for a referendum on pension reform

Pension reform 2023: The Constitutional Council Rejects the Second Request for a Referendum

VERDICT: This second RIP was initiated in extremis on April 13th by some 250 left-wing and independent deputies and senators. The Constitutional Council on Wednesday rejected a second request for a referendum on pensions that the left had filed in extremis, before the promulgation of the highly contested government reform. Unsurprisingly, the Elders judged that the proposal for […]

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Elisabeth Borne must discuss reducing health measures in companies with unions and employers

Coronavirus: Elisabeth Borne is Studying a Relaxation of Health Rules in Companies

EMPLOYMENT: Employment and working health restrictions could change from mid-May according to Elizabeth Borne Labor Minister  Elisabeth Borne is meeting with employers’ and union organizations on Monday. She will consult them in particular on teleworking in order to see how “to change the rules” of health measures in companies from mid-May. The minister said she wanted to “give […]

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Bear shot dead in the Ariège, Pyrenees

Pyrenees: A Bear Shot Dead in Ariège, the State “Condemns this Act” and will File a Complaint

This Tuesday 9th June 2020, a bear was discovered dead in the Pyrenees, in Ariège. Bullets were visible on his body. The State reacted and intends to file a complaint. In the Ariège Pyrenees, on Tuesday 9th June 2020, a bear was discovered dead, shot dead. The state reacted. Elisabeth Borne’s message It was at the end of the […]

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The firefighters and the SAMU will no longer pay the highway from July

Highways: Firefighters, Police and EMS will no Longer Pay Tolls from July

EMERGENCIES: The financial shortfall for highway management companies will not be compensated by the State for the payment of tolls No more cash at the checkout for firefighters and ambulances. From July 2019, vehicles of the emergency services will no longer have to pay tolls on highways, said Wednesday Pierre Coppey, president of Vinci Autoroutes . The measure, announced during a […]

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The strike at the SNCF has cost the company 250 million Euros losses

Strike at the SNCF: 250 Million Euros of Losses Since the Beginning of the Movement

The strike at the SNCF which started on April 3rd, with two days out of five on strike has cost the SNCF nearly 250 million euros, announces Patrick Jeantet, CEO of SNCF Réseau. The railway workers’ strike to denounce the reform of the railway sector has cost the SNCF nearly 250 million euros since the beginning of the […]

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The assembly has voted for the reform of the SNCF

SNCF: The Assembly Votes by Large Margin for Reform on the 4th day of Strike

The National Assembly voted, at first reading, the reform of the SNCF. At the same time, a fourth day of strike commences this Wednesday 18th April, 2018. On the eve of the resumption of the strike at the SNCF, the National Assembly adopted very widely, on Tuesday at first reading, the draft railway reform law, challenged […]

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SNCF CEO Guillaume Pepy warned on Sunday that there would be "closed lines" (© AFP / Archives / ERIC PIERMONT)

SNCF Strike: “Lines will be Closed” alerts Guillaume Pépy

With the railway workers’ strike starting Monday (April 2nd), Guillaume Pépy, the head of the SNCF, is formal: very few trains will circulate and there will be “closed lines”. SNCF CEO Guillaume Pepy warned Sunday that there would be ” closed lines ” because of the strike that begins Monday , while Minister of Transport Elisabeth Borne blasted an “incomprehensible” movement. In […]

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Lorry drivers will escalate strike action after meeting

Lorry Driver Crisis: Unions “Terrified” after Meeting with the Minister of Transport

SOCIAL CONFLICT: CFDT speaks of “very tense discussions” with Elizabeth Borne … Dirty atmosphere. Unions came out “scared” Thursday night a meeting with the Minister of Transport , Elizabeth Borne, and employers’ federations, with which the discussions were “very tense”, particularly on the implementation of the reform of the labour code by decree . Trade unions (that is to say, CFDT, CGT, […]

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Unions to meet the minister of Transport over fuel crisis

Fuel: Unions meet the Ministry of Transport on Wednesday

The Minister of Transport, Elizabeth Borne, organizes this Wednesday a meeting with the unions of the drivers transporting hazardous materials in the heart of a social movement which leads to fuel shortages in Île-de-France. The government has confirmed that they have had discussions on Wednesday the trade unions to discuss the situation of the strike by […]

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Elizabeth Borne, CEO of RATP, joined the government team appointed by Emmanuel Macron

Government: Elizabeth Borne, RATP to Transport

GOVERNMENT: This 56 year old woman was appointed in the government of Edouard Philippe … She is one of the little known personalities of the new government announced this Wednesday.  Under the authority of Nicolas Hulot, Minister of ecological transition , this woman bristling with degrees (Polytechnic School, National School of Bridges and Roads, College of Engineers) […]

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