Coronavirus: Pas-de-Calais is Next for Weekend Confinement

Local News General News
Coronavirus: Pas-de-Calais, the only department that will be confined over the weekend (government source)

PANDEMIC: Paris and the Ile de France, on the other hand, are not affected by confinement

After the coastal zone of the Alpes-Maritimes and the region of Dunkirk, it is the turn of Pas-de-Calais to undergo weekend confinement, we learn this Wednesday from a government source.

Neither Paris nor the Ile de France are on the other hand subject to this measure, nor any other of the 20 departments placed under enhanced surveillance. But additional measures will be adopted in these departments, on a case-by-case basis and in consultation with local elected officials, in particular targeting places of mixing.

“Local pragmatism”

Prime Minister Jean Castex is due to announce these measures at his press conference on Thursday evening. “We are seeing strong tensions on the hospital system, an increase in the number of cases but not an explosion, without territorial homogeneity. There is therefore a need for general mobilisation, efficiency and local pragmatism. But national confinement or the weekend is for us only a last resort ”, adds the same source.

In Pas-de-Calais, where hospitals are saturated, the government has proposed confinement for the next three weekends, in consultation with elected officials who demanded strong measures. “You have to know how to grasp the outstretched hand,” comments this government source.

Overall, it is necessary to “strengthen the testing and isolation policy and accelerate vaccination”, she underlines, one of the avenues being to quickly authorize pharmacists to vaccinate.

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