Coronavirus: 500,000 Transparent Masks for Early Childhood Professionals

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Coronavirus: 500,000 transparent masks for early childhood professionals

PROTECTION: Transparent masks For the staff of nurseries, micro-creches and childminders gathered in the homes of childminders during the coronavirus epidemic

Some 500,000 transparent masks will be distributed to staff of nurseries and homes for childminders (MAM), announced Tuesday the Ministry of Health and the Secretary of State for Children who wish to “initiate a movement of equipment professionals by employers ”. This “non-renewable” operation is funded by the National Family Allowances Fund (Cnaf), whose board of directors voted on it, a statement said.

Three transparent masks will be allocated to each professional concerned: nursery staff, micro-creches and nursery assistants united within a MAM.

“It is up to employers to continue this dynamic”

“Accessing the faces and emotions of the adults around them on a daily basis is a key factor in the healthy development of young children. It is now up to employers to continue this dynamic, ”said Secretary of State for Children and Families, Adrien Taquet, quoted in the press release.

Noting that early childhood professionals had to comply with “binding” rules, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran also welcomes the decision of the board of directors of the Cnaf “who will support them in their daily mission”.

300,000 transparent masks for teachers

The Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer announced at the beginning of September the supply of 300,000 transparent masks to teachers in contact with pupils with disabilities or to certain kindergarten teachers.

A union of early childhood professionals, the SNPPE, had launched a petition demanding “the same respect and consideration” as those granted to these teachers. In a statement, this organization welcomed Monday that its petition “finds a favourable echo”.

“It is necessary that all young children benefit from professionals with an inclusive mask”, she emphasizes, however, recalling that toddlers are not only received in crèche or MAM, but also in the homes of childminders.

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