Confinement: England Also Gets Started From Thursday, Schools will Remain Open

General News
Prime Minister Boris Johnson announces new lockdown during a virtual press conference at 10 Downing Street on Saturday 31st October

CORONAVIRUS: The United Kingdom exceeded the million cases of coronavirus Covid-19 this Saturday, forcing it back into confinement

The British government has decided to confine England for a month, abandoning a local approach in the face of the virulence of the second wave of the new coronavirus which threatened to prove to be twice as deadly as the first. The country most bereaved by the pandemic in Europe with 46,555 deaths of people tested positive for Covid-19, and now more than a million cases identified, the United Kingdom is facing a resurgence that risks overwhelming its hospitals.

After resisting general lockdown for weeks, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has made up his mind to announce it at a crash-staged press conference on Saturday, after press leaks claiming he would do so on Monday. “The virus is spreading even faster than the worst-case scenario established by our science advisers. […] It is time to act because there is no choice, ”the Conservative leader said from Downing Street, alongside his scientific and medical advisers, after previously discussing the situation with his ministers. .

Telework strongly encouraged

For four weeks from Thursday until December 2, cafes, pubs and restaurants will remain closed unless they offer take-out or deliveries. The people of England are called upon to work from home and are only required to leave their homes for specific reasons such as exercising, going to a medical appointment or shopping for essential groceries. They can only meet someone outside their home, and outside.

The elderly and vulnerable are urged to be extra careful. It will only be possible to travel abroad for professional reasons. If these measures are similar to the first confinement decreed in March, schools and universities will however remain open.

MEPs will vote on these new restrictions at the start of the week before they come into force on Thursday. This measure does not concern Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the confinement falling under the authorities of each British province.

Christmas goal with the family

This is a turnaround for Boris Johnson, who had until then resisted calls to confine all of England, even for a short period of two to three weeks as the opposition Labor Party suggested. But the situation has deteriorated in recent weeks in the United Kingdom. Like the leaders of several European countries including Ireland, France and Belgium, who announced full or partial re-containments to curb the spread of the virus, he had to resolve to shift into high gear.

He hopes these measures will be enough to curb the spread of the virus and allow Christmas to be celebrated with the family. “It is my hope and my sincere belief that by acting now, we can enable families to be together. Boris Johnson said. About 50,000 new cases of the new coronavirus are recorded every day in England and this figure is increasing, said government scientific adviser Patrick Vallance, explaining that the death toll this winter could be “twice as bad as that of the first wave”.

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