Coronavirus: Germany closes its borders with France on Monday

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The border between France and Germany will be closed as of Monday, March 16, 2020.

Germany will close its borders with France and two other countries including Austria and Switzerland to contain the coronavirus epidemic.

Germany will close its borders with three countries including France from Monday 16th March 2020 in full epidemic coronavirus. 

Germany closes its borders with France, Austria and Switzerland because of the coronavirus. Luxembourg does not seem concerned, for the moment. As of 8:00 am tomorrow, anyone trying to return to Germany will be turned back, with exceptions, according to the German newspaper Der Spiegel .

Uncertainty for cross-border workers 

The free movement of goods must remain ensured and border populations will be able to continue to come and go in Germany but it is a question of containing the coronavirus and also of putting an end to the purchases in panic mode that foreign nationals come to make in Germany, posing supply problems in border regions, reports the daily Bild .

The newspaper specifies that the decision was taken during a telephone discussion between Chancellor Angela Merkel, her Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer and the ministers-presidents of border Länder like Saarland with Lorraine, Baden-Württemberg with Alsace or even Rhineland-Palatinate with both. 

A few days ago, Germany had already considered the Grand Est as a risk zone like China, Iran or Italy regarding exposure to the coronavirus. 

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