Highway tolls in Sarthe, including Joué-en-Charnie and Bailleul, yellow vests pass users. They get the tickets to “send them to Macron”
The yellow vests are present at tolls in Sarthe , including that of the Bailleul on the A11and that of Joué-en-Charnie on the A81 , not to mention that of Montabon, this Sunday 25th November, 2018 . They let the users pass for free and collect the tickets to send to Emmanuel Macron.
The yellow vests are good at the Bailleul toll on the A11 between Sablé-sur-Sarthe and La Flèche .
“Yesterday, we were twenty,” says Elodie, mobilized since the first day of the movement. They stayed overnight and this Sunday, November 25, they are still present.
No question of blocking, just to open the barriers.
“It was the leaders of the highway who opened when they were asked yesterday, “says Elodie.
They let users through simply asking for their ticket.
People are happy. Yesterday we saved 92 euros to a driver.

As for the tickets … “We will send them to Emmanuel Macron”.
Same story on the side of the Joué-en-Charnie toll , between Brûlon and Sillé-le-Guillaume , on the A81 . The mobilisation lasts in the good mood.
“Last week, we were at the Joué-en-Charnie roundabout. We arrived Saturday at the tollbooth where we dismounted the barrier, “says a protester.
They were up to “80 to 100”.

There no more no blocking and operation ticket recovery. “We are at 450 tickets.”
The operation continues.