Act III of the Yellow Vests: A Call to Protest on the Champs-Elysées on the 1st December

General News
A new call to protest on the Champs-Elysees was launched by the Yellow Vests for December 1

On Facebook, a new call to protest has been launched for Saturday 1st December. Yellow vests are invited to gather on the Champs-Elysees, in calm.

The roar continues. After Act II Yellow Vests Saturday, November 24, whose rally on the Champs-Elysees was enamelled scenes of violence , a new call to demonstrate on December 1 emerged on Facebook .

The motto: “Macron resigns! ”

The Yellow Vests call for a new gathering on December 1 on the Champs-Elysees.
The Yellow Vests call for a new gathering on December 1 on the Champs-Elysees. (© Facebook screen capture)

“It will be necessary to do it properly”

To avoid duplicating the “breakage” of Saturday, November 24, organizers call for a “clean” rally. You can read on the page of the event:

“For the 1st of December, it will be necessary to do it properly. No breaks and 5 million French in the street !! Our movement is gaining momentum !!!! It is NOTHING to let go !!!!!”

The Yellow Vests hope for a meeting with Emmanuel Macron following which two decisions could be taken:

  • More buying power
  • Cancellation of fuel taxes

Already 13 000 people have announced participated in this meeting.

To avoid the excesses, the protesters propose the establishment of “Red Vests”, responsible for evacuating the thugs. “Above all, do not put the population back. Let’s pay attention to our friends’ image.

What does the government say?

The Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner said he wanted to distinguish between “good-natured” demonstrations and violent thugs against which he promised “systematic sanctions”.

Emmanuel Macron is expected to announce Tuesday the establishment of a “High Council for Climate”, composed of experts reveals the JDD.

It aims to “create less tension” on the “energy policy and its tax consequences”

106,301 “yellow vests” were recorded Saturday at 5pm in all of France, including 8000 in Paris, against 282,710 in total last Saturday at the same time, according to the figures of the Ministry of the Interior.

A total of 130 people were taken into custody, and 69 people were arrested in Paris.

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