CHINA: The president of China said that with Emmanuel Macron, “Sino-French relations have a more stable and healthier starting point” …
Edouard Philippe was received Monday in Beijing by President Xi Jinping to “continue the conversation” started in January during the visit to China Emmanuel Macron .After visiting Shenzhen and Shanghai, the Prime Minister arrived Sunday in Beijing, he said, to “continue the conversation, the discussion, the work started five months ago by the President of the Republic to the opportunity of his visit which he was very happy “.
The arrival of Emmanuel Macron “allowed him to say how much he counted on the strategic partnership of France and China, for a long time, and always in an independent attitude and concerned with a predictable, stable work that allows access to a form of prosperity, “said Edouard Philippe, accompanied by a delegation of ministers including Jean-Yves Le Drian (Foreign Affairs) and Nicole Belloubet (Justice).
“A more stable and healthier starting point” for Sino-French relations
“There are many strategic partnerships that have been established between China and France in areas that are often very much tied to sovereignty. Of course, I am thinking of civilian nuclear power, “said Philippe, who wants to extend these agreements beyond major groups. Several signatures with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang are also expected in this direction Monday.
Xi Jinping, for his part, said that since Emmanuel Macron’s visit, “Sino-French relations have a more stable and healthier starting point”, pleading to continue to “work together to enrich the strategic partnership”.
“When you were mayor of Le Havre, you came to China several times,” said Xi Jinping during his interview with Edouard Philippe, which lasted 50 minutes. “You know China well, it is favorable to our exchanges in the future. I am convinced that as Prime Minister you will further improve the Sino-French relationship, “he said.