French President Emmanuel Macron and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping visit the French pavilion at the International Import Fair in Shanghai on November 5, 2019

In Shanghai, Emmanuel Macron Calls on China to Further Open its Market

On the second day of his visit to China, the French president, Emmanuel Macron notably called on Beijing to cooperate with Europe to fight against unilateral temptations. On a state visit to Shanghai , Emmanuel Macron called Tuesday 5th November 2019 China to “consolidate” the opening of its huge market to foreign companies and to cooperate with Europe to fight against […]

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French presidents Emmanuel Macron (left) and Chinese Xi Jinping, June 29, 2019 at the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan.

In Shanghai, Emmanuel Macron Calls on Europeans to “Compete” against the Chinese

The French president, Emmanuel Macron visiting China, says that much more “European cooperation” is needed to compete effectively against the Chinese and American giants. In full commercial rivalry between Washington and Beijing, Emmanuel Macron began Monday 4th November 2019 his second visit to China by calling on Europeans to speak and act together to better weigh against the […]

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President Emmanuel Macron and Chinese President Xi Jinping meeting in Paris

Chinese President Xi Jinping in Paris, Emmanuel Macron Wants to Curb his Ambitions

The Chinese president is visiting France to meet Emmanuel Macron then Angela Merkel, against a backdrop of European division against the diplomatico-commercial offensive of Beijing Chinese President Xi Jinping begins Monday, March 25, 2019 the official part of his visit to France. Emmanuel Macron must receive him early afternoon in Paris, and enter to persuade him to play according […]

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China - French relations have never been so good

China: Edouard Philippe Received by Xi Jinping to “Continue the Conversation” Between the two Countries

CHINA: The president of China said that with Emmanuel Macron, “Sino-French relations have a more stable and healthier starting point” … Edouard Philippe was received Monday in Beijing by President Xi Jinping to “continue the conversation” started in January during the visit to China Emmanuel Macron .After visiting Shenzhen and Shanghai, the Prime Minister arrived Sunday in Beijing, he said, to […]

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China: Hollande Arrives for the Last G20 last of his Term 1

China: Hollande Arrives for the Last G20 last of his Term

President Francois Hollande arrived Sunday in Hangzhou, in eastern China, to attend the G20, his last one of his five years where he intends to advocate the “intensification of the fight against tax evasion and corruption.” The French presidential plane landed at 11.50 am local time at Hangzhou airport under high security, said a journalist. […]

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