Nantes: The First Hydrogen Boat Buses in France in service soon

Finance Local News
Jules Vernes 2 arrived recently on the banks of the Erdre and will be commissioned in October near Nantes

A water bus, the “Jules Vernes 2”, is soon to ensure the shuttle on the Erdre in Nantes. Built in Vendée on behalf of Semitan, it has a propulsion operating only with hydrogen. A first in France.

Semitan (Transportation Authority of Nantes common) are already thinking for years: the question of a boat powered by hydrogen and can transport users was discussed as early as 2005. The project, named code “Navibus” was in the works for about five years. And will finally materialize with Jules Verne 2. Built by Navalu at the Bouin site, in Vendée, it will link the faculties at Petit Port, near the tram line 2 and the mouth of the Cens, the housing project Port Boyer.

“It will be the first boat powered by hydrogen operated in France. So far, none has been authorized to be used for transport of persons or goods “ , says Bernard Minguet, boss Navalu.

After a series of tests still underway, passengers will embark on this innovative device.“We have not yet official dates but the commercial service launch is scheduled for October,” says Semitan.

No CO2

Concretely, this Navibus has two fuel cells, which convert hydrogen into electricity stored on board. “The first advantage is that this shuttle does not emit CO2, only water, welcomes Bernard Minguet. This technology also allows greater autonomy: one week instead of half an hour, with a time of relatively quick recharge. “

The Jules Verne will replace 2 The Seagull aging shuttle which ensured the passage of the Erdre for 20 years. The trip should be as much quieter. Finally, the boat built at the shipyard Navalu Bouin in Vendée, offer better security. “For the moment, the boat is planned for commercial service with twelve passengers but its capacity is 25 people, Semitan explains.

We are moving in a particular mode: this is the first time a hydrogen boat used to carry passengers, so the procedures are more stringent and we have to wait some commissions decisions ” , explains Semitan.Un naval architect Nantes (SHIP-ST), the Navalu site and Symbio FCELL (for propulsion chain) helped make this happen. In total the project is $ 1.6 million, including grants from ADEME and the Region.

In 2016, the Navibus Service transported 636 000 passengers, of which about 66,000 for crossing the Erdre, the remainder of the Loire. To access it, simply providing a ticket. hydrogen boat used to carry passengers, so the procedures are more stringent and we have to wait some commissions decisions ” , explains Semitan.Un naval architect Nantes (SHIP-ST), the Navalu site and Symbio FCELL (for chain drive) helped make this happen. In total the project is $ 1.6 million, including grants from ADEME and the Region. In 2016, the Navibus Service transported 636 000 passengers, of which about 66,000 for crossing the Erdre, the remainder of the Loire.


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