An Atlantico and Harris Interactive poll, released on Tuesday by RMC, indicates that nearly one in three French (32%) approve the appointment of the deputy mayor of Le Havre, Edouard Philippe, as Prime Minister. They however, 42 percent think that this appointment will “weaken” the Socialist Party, 38% Republicans, 32% the Front National and 30% La France Insoumise.
Thirty-two percent of respondents believe that the appointment of Edward Philip is “a good thing”, 11% that it is “a bad thing” and 57% say they cannot “decide, not knowing enough” about the new prime minister.
Supporters of the divided Republicans
Among supporters of the En Marche!, 73% of respondents believe it is “a good thing”. The Republicans among supporters, are 47%.
Furthermore, 51% of French, this appointment will be “beneficial” to the Republique En March! They do however think that this appointment will “weaken” the Socialist Party by 42 percent, 38% Republicans, 32% the Front National and 30% La France Insoumise.
Who in the government?
Finally, according to the same survey, 71% of respondents want the main figures in the government of Edouard Philippe to be mainly from the centre, 63% believe the same for a composition of members from the right and 62% left.
Survey conducted online Monday, May 15, 2017, after the announcement of the appointment of Edward Philip as Prime Minister, with a sample of 1011 people aged 18 and over, by the quota method.