Yellow vests: the police will be judged for violence, promises the prosecutor of Paris

Yellow Vests: The Police will be Judged for Violence, Promises the Prosecutor of Paris

Remy Heitz, criticised for his management of yellow vets and his reluctance to prosecute members of the police, returned to the six months of the movement. The Paris prosecutor Rémy Heitz ensures that police implicated for violence during demonstrations of yellow vests will be sent to justice, a way to “throw in” food law enforcement according to the union Alliance. In […]

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Yellow vests continue their protests on the eve of European Elections

On the Eve of the European Elections, the Yellow Vests Continued with Act 28

Act 28 of Yellow Vests Saturday 25th May, 2019 was attended by 12,500 protesters, according to the Interior Ministry. The lowest participation rate since the beginning of the movement A hard core of yellow vests continued Saturday, May 25, 2019 to beat the pavement in France, including Amiens and Toulouse , during the 28th consecutive Saturday of demonstrations against the […]

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Where are the yellow vests meeting this weekend

Yellow Vests: Paris, Toulouse, Amiens … What to Expect for this 28th Weekend of Mobilisation?

MEETINGS: The Yellow Vests Protesters are scheduled to gather in Amiens, the city where the President of the Republic grew up “Yellow Vests” and electoral map in this weekend’s program. Demonstrations are planned everywhere in France on Saturday and Sunday, day of voting for the European elections and 28th week of mobilisation. Several events are announced in Paris, according to Franceinfo . The police […]

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Yellow vests supporter from Toulouse got 2 months prison for publishing names and faces of police officers

Toulouse: The Yellow Vest Spread the Police Faces on the Internet, Two Months Prison

Yellow vests at heart, a medical student was sentenced, in Toulouse, Wednesday 22nd May, 2019, for having posted on the web the name and face of police officers of the BAC. She will remain in prison. Stamped “radical far-left activist,” at least identified as such by the police, a medical student from Toulouse, aged 21, is particularly active since the beginning of the […]

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Toulouse will receive 300,000 euros from the state to organize operations to revitalize shops in the city center and Saint-Cyprien.

Yellow Vests: Here’s the Sum that the State will Pay to Toulouse to Help the City Centre Traders

The state will financially help 34 municipalities in France, including Toulouse, to animate and revitalise businesses impacted by the crisis of yellow vests since November 2018. Six months after the movement of yellow vests, and despite a decline in mobilisation (between 2000 to 6000 people in Toulouse for Act 27 , Saturday 18th May, 2019) and degradation of […]

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A yellow vest Saturday, May 18, 2019 in Reims.

Yellow Vests: 15,500 Protesters in the Streets, Tensions in Nancy and Reims

For their 27th Saturday, the yellow vests realised their weakest mobilisation since the beginning of the movement. The hard core of Yellow Vests has demonstrated Saturday for the 27th consecutive Saturday. The government has announced the weakest mobilisation since the beginning of the movement six months ago, just one week before the European elections. For this […]

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The yellow vests are gathered in the streets of Toulouse for the act 27 of the movement, Saturday, May 18, 2019.

Act 27 Yellow Vests: between 2000 and 6000 People in Toulouse, Five Arrests

Saturday 18th May, 2019, the yellow vests were demonstrating for the 27th time in a row in the streets of Toulouse. The mobilisation brought together between 2000 and 6000 people. The details. And 27! Saturday, May 18, 2019, the yellow vestss are for the 27th consecutive week in the streets of Toulouse. The movement, which began on November 17, 2018, continues throughout […]

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Demonstration of "yellow vests" in Toulouse on May 11, 2019.

“Yellow Vests”: What to Expect for the 27th Day of Mobilisation?

EVENTS: The yellow vests movement celebrates its six months of existence on Saturday, just one week before the European elections Despite meager processions of yellow vests in recent weeks, the hard core of “yellow vests” intends to demonstrate Saturday in France for six months of this unprecedented social protest, a week before European elections . For this act 27, “national […]

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A meeting of François de Rugy disturbed by "yellow vests"

European Elections: A Rally of François de Rugy Disturbed by “Yellow Vests” in the Tarn

EUROPEAN ELECTIONS: The minister, François de Rugy in Tarn to talk about ecology in front of activists of La République en marche The meeting of the Minister for Ecological Transition François de Rugy in Gaillac (Tarn), as part of the campaign for the European elections, was disrupted by a hundred yellow vests. The protesters sang songs hostile to the […]

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The number of Yellow Vests protestors was down for Act 26 in France

Yellow Vests: Mobilisation Down Throughout France for Act 26

The “yellow vests” were 18,600 in the street Saturday 11th May, 2019 according to the Ministry of the Interior, the lowest figure since the beginning of the dispute, six months ago After nearly six months of protests, the movement of “yellow vests” showed signs of weakening for act 26 on Saturday 11th May, 2019, marked […]

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