The Gironde and the Landes were placed in red alert Sunday by Meteo France because of heavy rains expected overnight as well as part of the day Monday.

Rains and Floods: 2 Departments in Red Alert, 26 in Orange Alert

Meteo France has placed the Gironde and the Landes in red alert because of the heavy rains that fell since Sunday 10th May. 26 other departments, from the southwest to the east, are in an orange alert. The Gironde and the Landes were placed on red alert Sunday evening by Meteo France because of heavy rain expected overnight as well […]

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Three departments in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region are on orange alert for flooding

Orange Alert: Haute-Savoie, Isère and Savoie in Orange Alert for Floods by Meteo France

WEATHER: The orange alert for possible floods will start this Friday from 4 pm Meteo France placed the departments of Haute-Savoie, Isère and Savoie on Friday morning in orange rain-flood alertness, in a bulletin published after 6 a.m. The alert begins Friday at 4 p.m. and ends Saturday at 9 p.m., according to the forecaster. It was an episode of heavy rain, “remarkable for its duration (48 […]

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Overflows are expected Tuesday morning in Bordeaux (Gironde)

Gironde Placed on Orange Alert for Risks of Floods

The municipalities of the Garonne-Dordogne confluence have been on orange alert since Monday 9th March 2020. In Bordeaux (Gironde), overflows are expected Tuesday morning. This Monday, March 9, 2020, the Gironde-Adour-Dordogne flood forecasting service placed all of the municipalities of the Garonne-Dordogne confluence in orange vigilance, the Prefecture announced today. Strong tides The triggering of vigilance is linked to a period of very strong tides, […]

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Calvados, Eure-et-Loir and Tarn-et-Garonne also on orange alert for flooding

Weather: Calvados, Eure-et-Loir and Tarn-et-Garonne Also on Orange Alert for Flooding

In addition to Vendée and Deux-Sèvres, Meteo France placed Calvados, Eure-et-Loir and Tarn-et-Garonne this Friday 6th March in orange alert for floods Six departments are placed on orange alert for flooding by Meteo France this Friday 6th March. They are Vendée, affected by a flood on the Lay , and Deux-Sèvres, where the Sèvre niortaise is also in […]

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Nine departments on Orange Alert for snow and ice

Snow and Ice: Nine Departments in Northern and Eastern France Placed on Orange Alert

IT WILL FALL: It is Aisne, the Ardennes, the Marne, the Meurthe-et-Moselle, the Meuse, the Moselle, the North, the Pas-de-Calais and the Somme on Orange alert While some resorts in the Pyrenees are sorely lacking in snow, the latter should be invited to several corners of northern and eastern France, this Thursday. Nine departments have been placed […]

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Two departments in Brittany on orange alert with storm Dennis

Storm Dennis: Finistère and Morbihan Placed on an Orange Rain-Flood Alert

VIGILANCE: Meteo France announces this Saturday that the two Breton departments are concerned by this orange alert for 24 hours The winds should sweep the Breton coast tonight and tomorrow at the start of the day. Meteo France placed Finistère and Morbihan on orange alert to rain and floods this Saturday in its 4pm bulletin. “The depression created by storm […]

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Storm Inès has caused flooding in the Seine-Maritime

Storm Inès: Flooding Evacuates Houses along the Seine

Thursday 13th February 2020, Seine-Maritime and Eure were placed on orange alert for flooding. Flooded, five houses had to be evacuated along the Seine. Thursday 13th February 2020, the storm Inès caused floods on the banks of the Seine in Seine-Maritime and Eure. With a tidal coefficient of 101, the river is still out of its bed. Five houses evacuated Seine-Maritime firefighters had to intervene 27 […]

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“Strong winds” and “waves-submersions” are still on the lookout for Normandy, Wednesday February 12, 2020.

Weather: After Storm Ciara, Seine-Maritime, Calvados and Manche Again on Orange Alert

Seine-Maritime, Calvados and Manche are placed on orange alert for “strong winds” and “waves-submersions” by Meteo France, Wednesday 12th February 2020. Details. No respite for Normandy. And precisely for the English Channel, Calvados and the Seine-Maritime coast, placed since 4.15pm in an orange alert by Meteo France, just before the arrival of the storm Inès, Wednesday 12th January 2020. 🔶 4 dpts en #vigilanceOrange Restez […]

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32 departments on orange alert with storm ciara

Storm Ciara: 32 Departments still on Orange Alert on Monday, Considerable Damage

Gusts of over 130 km/h swept France on the night of Sunday 9th February 2020. Several cities were flooded and homes deprived of electricity. Cancelled flights, interrupted ferries between France and England, stationary rail traffic in western Germany: the Storm Ciara blows over northwest Europe on Monday, causing damage, flooding and outages of current. Wind gusts over 130 km/h In France, […]

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A fishing boat passes on February 9, 2020 in front of the lighthouse in New Brighton, in the north-west of England, where the storm Ciara arrived.

Storm Ciara: Western Europe Swept Away, 42 French Departments on Orange Alert

Storm Ciara has already caused damage in the United Kingdom, shutting down transport, as in Belgium. The northwest of France will be swept this Sunday evening. Flights cancelled, ferries interrupted between France and England, football matches postponed to Belgium: the Storm Ciara was blowing on Sunday 9th February 2020 over northwestern Europe, raising fears of damage, floods and power outages. In […]

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