Nantes: One in three motorists fined for non-compliance with the curfew, Tuesday evening

Nantes: One in Three Motorists Fined for Non-Compliance with the Curfew, Tuesday Evening

CONFINEMENT: A police operation stopping motorists took place roundabout from Rennes to Nantes, Tuesday evening, for an hour While the 6 p.m. curfew has been in effect since mid-December, fewer and fewer people in Nantes seem to want to comply with the rule. This is, in any case, the finding of the police, who speak of “relaxation” after a new check carried out Tuesday […]

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Coronavirus in Loire-Atlantique: A college closed after the discovery of 25 positive cases

Coronavirus in Loire-Atlantique: A College Closed After the Discovery of 25 Positive Cases

EPIDEMIC: The prefecture has requested the closure of the Arthur-Rimbaud college, in Donges (Loire-Atlantique), until the 1st February They will not return to college for a week. The students and staff of the Arthur-Rimbaud college, in Donges (Loire-Atlantique), will have to stay at home after a cluster has been discovered in the school. Friday, the prefect of Loire-Atlantique issued a closing […]

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Coronavirus contaminations are on the rise in the Pays-de-la-Loire

Coronavirus in Pays-de-la-Loire: Contamination is On The Rise

EPIDEMIC: The coronavirus Covid-19 epidemic is regaining some ground across the Pays-de-la-Loire, in particular in Sarthe, Mayenne and Maine-et-Loire The trend is inevitably a little unfortunate a few days before the end of the year holidays. After a month of regression, then a few days of stability, the coronavirus epidemic is on the rise again in the Pays-de-la-Loire […]

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Nantes weather forecast for Saturday 19 December 2020

Weather in Nantes: Forecast for Saturday 19th December 2020

WEATHER FORECAST: Today the sun will be hidden behind clouds. Scattered rains will fall on Nantes. Temperatures will be 12 ° C all day … Nantes, where clouds will remain today, will continue to wait for the sun. A southwesterly wind, recording 22 km/h, will blow. On the other hand, we expect an upturn for this morning. The arrival of the […]

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The Lucia show, scheduled for a few days in Nantes, is officially cancelled

Coronavirus in Nantes: Suspended, the Illumination Show on the Cathedral will Not Finally Take Place

ANIMATIONS: The Lucia show, scheduled for a few days in Nantes, is officially cancelled The organisers of Lucia, who were hoping for a derogation, announce the cancellation of the illumination show at Saint Peter’s Cathedral. If conditions allow, it will be rescheduled next year. The Christmas holidays are likely to be frankly sad in Nantes. After the […]

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Roman candles were discovered in a vehicle in the Malakoff district in Nantes

Loire-Atlantique: The Sale and Use of Fireworks Prohibited until 3rd January 2021

The Prefect Didier Martin wants to avoid incidents and disturbances to public order in Loire-Atlantique and more particularly in Nantes. No more mortar fireworks in certain neighbourhoods in Nantes and the throwing of Molotov cocktails against the police during demonstrations. This is, in any case, the wish of Didier Martin, the prefect of Loire-Atlantique. In a decree taken this Monday , it prohibits “any […]

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he virtual Christmas market in Châteaubriant (Loire-Atlantique) opens its site this Saturday, November 14, 2020

Châteaubriant: Let’s Go For The Christmas Market!

The virtual Christmas market of the creators of Châteaubriant (Loire-Atlantique) opens its “doors” this Saturday 14th November 2020. You don’t, but then not at all want to do your Christmas shopping on Amazon? A Chateaubriant (Loire-Atlantique) the creators and artisans have come together to create a virtual Christmas market that can buy all their creations. The idea of ​​a local designer At the origin of […]

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Violent storm warning for Brittany, Morbihan and Loire-Atlantique

Weather Forecast: “It Promises to be Severe” … A Violent Storm Threatens Morbihan and Loire-Atlantique

WEATHER: Christened Alex, the storm will strike overnight from Thursday to Friday across Morbihan and the Loire-Atlantique with winds of up to 160 km/h Wind gusts could reach 150 to 160 km/h on the coasts and up to 120 km/h inland, according to forecasters. “At these speeds, there is a risk of falling trees. It can be […]

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Coronavirus in Nantes University, Students infected

Coronavirus in Nantes: Nine Positive Medical Students, 500 Students Tested on Monday

EPIDEMIC: The students had done integration evenings from August 24th to 27th in bars in Nantes The regional health agency of Pays de la Loire announced this Friday afternoon that nine medical students from the University of Nantes had been tested for the coronavirus. These students had made an integration rally from August 24 to 27 […]

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In addition to wearing the mask, students and staff of the University of Nantes will have to respect the rules of social distancing

Coronavirus in Nantes: The University will Implement the Rule of One in Two Seats in its Lecture Halls

UNIVERSITY: In addition to wearing the mask, students and staff of the University of Nantes will have to respect the rules of social distancing The University of Nantes announces that the reception conditions will be upset for the return of students, scheduled for the next few days. Not all lessons can be done face-to-face because of […]

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