The social media platforms will have to delete hateful messages

Riots: For Thierry Breton, “Social Media Networks Have not Done Enough”

From August 25th, social media platforms will have to comply with European law. Invited to Franceinfo, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton felt that “social media networks did not do enough” during the riots in France, linked to the death of young Nahel. “  They will have to do more,  ” he added. During the four nights of riots, […]

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CBDC - What could the digital euro be used for?

What Could the Digital Euro be Used For?

Monetary sovereignty, privacy, cash replacement, the European Central Bank’s digital euro project raises many questions. The legal framework for the future digital euro, also known as the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a dematerialised version of the single currency, was unveiled on Wednesday 28th June 2023 by the European Commission. The project is not yet precise […]

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Fires in Canada: are the fumes present in France toxic?

Fires in Canada: Are the Fumes Present in France Toxic?

The cloud of smoke loaded with fine particles, which arrived this Monday 26th June in France, would circulate too high in the atmosphere to affect air quality. Satellite images have been making the rounds on social media since this weekend. The smoke from the gigantic fires affecting Canada has been arriving in France  since Monday 26th June 2023. These […]

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Fumes from the fires in Canada are reaching Marseille

Fires in Canada: The Fumes Arrive in Marseille, What will Happen

The fires in Canada have resulted in the movement of a cloud of smoke towards Europe. What will happen in Marseille? The fumes caused by the huge fires in Canada will affect Europe this Monday 26 th June 2023. Marseille and the Bouches-du-Rhône are concerned. Here is what will happen. The South will be affected A cloud pushed by a westerly […]

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"Prices Remain Delirious"... In Spain, the Spectacular Drop in Inflation, Miracle or Mirage? 1

“Prices Remain Delirious”… In Spain, the Spectacular Drop in Inflation, Miracle or Mirage?

COST OF LIVING: With inflation at just 3.2% in May, Spain is a good European student in the face of rising prices. But these flattering figures have not erased the difficult end of the month What if Spain had beaten inflation? In a few months, the Iberian country saw its curve fall from 10.8% to only 3.2%, […]

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The CIA warned by the Netherlands of the destruction of Nord Stream

War in Ukraine: The CIA Warned by the Netherlands of the Destruction of Nord Stream

REVELATIONS: The CIA warned Ukraine “after receiving an alarming report from the Dutch military intelligence services (MIVD) who heard about the plans via a Ukrainian source” Doubts persist about the origin of the destruction of Nord Stream. But clues are emerging. Dutch military intelligence warned the CIA of a Ukrainian plan to blow up the Nord Stream gas pipeline three months […]

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Lidl are opening their online E-Commerce store in France

Lidl: The Brand’s E-Commerce Site Opens on May 23rd

ORDERS: The online sales platform from Lidl is already accessible but not operational After setting up online sales sites in Belgium, Poland and Spain, Lidl is preparing to launch its online sales platform. It will only be operational from May 23 but is already available in the “buy online” section of the German retailer‘s website. The device will also be […]

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In the United Kingdom, a student uses ChatGPT to appeal against a parking ticket

United Kingdom: ChatGPT has the Parking Fine Received by a Student Revoked

THANK YOU CHATGPT: The English student decided to send a letter, written using the artificial intelligence program ChatGPT to appeal against the parking fine ChatGPT strikes again. Launched in November 2022, the chatbot developed by OpenAI recently enabled a British student to escape a fine for poor parking, reports the BBC  relayed by Capital. The 22-year-old young woman, who lives and studies in […]

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Switzerland will be hosting the Women's Euro 2025 competition

Women’s Euro 2025: Switzerland Gets To Host, France Fails

FOOTBALL: Weighed down by the fiasco of the final of the last Champions League, France was rejected for hosting of the Women’s Euro in 2025 The host of the Women’s Euro 2025 was awarded to Switzerland on Tuesday at the end of the UEFA executive committee meeting in Lisbon. Preferred to France, a quartet of Nordic nations (Denmark, […]

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