The weather will be very pleasant, Saturday 2 and Sunday 3 June 2018 in Normandy.

Weather in Normandy: A Lot of Sun and Blue Sky, The Forecast of the Weekend

Normandy should have a very pleasant weekend, Saturday 2nd June and Sunday 3rd June, 2018. The sun will be almost everywhere After a week between heavy heat and regular thunderstorms,  Normandy will spend the weekend of Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June, 2018 in a pleasant meteorological calm.  Saturday, an almost perfect day The slight haze announced […]

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Day of Protest in Cherbourg with 1200 people demonstrating

Day of protest: 1,200 People Demonstrate in Cherbourg

The protest movement continues. Thursday, April 19, nearly 1,200 demonstrators, including railway workers currently on strike, marched through the streets of Cherbourg. The protesters, responding to the call of the CGT, the FSU, Sud Solidaire and UNLSD , found themselves Thursday morning in front of the town hall of Cherbourg . As usual, Pascal Besuelle warmed the crowd: “If we […]

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A new montessori school is planned for Cherbourg

A Montessori School Planned in Cherbourg for the Start of September

Emilie Reyrat and Séverine Baudry have plans to open a Montessori school in Cherbourg for the start of September 2018. Emilie Reyrat and Séverine Baudry have plans to create a bilingual school with the Montessori method in  Cherbourg . The goal of the two young women is to see this school open its doors in September 2018 . The goal, […]

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Arrival of Britannica Hav at the port of Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), Thursday, March 22, 2018, escorted by Abeille Liberté, Argonaute and the Caiman Navy helicopte

Spectacular Collision off Cherbourg: What Future for the Cargo Towed in Le Havre?

Following a collision at sea, with a fishing boat, the cargo ship Britannica Hav was towed to Le Havre, Thursday 22nd March, 2018. Questions arise about its future. Returned following a collision off Cherbourg (Manche) , the cargo ship Britannica Hav was towed to  Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), Thursday, March 22, 2017. The maritime prefecture of the Channel and the North Sea, the commander of the port […]

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Britannica Hav being towed to Cherbourg

The Wreck of Britannica Hav Arrived in Front of Le Havre

The hull of the Britannica Hav supported the towing on the night of March 21st to 22nd, 2018. Supported by the Bee Liberty, she must enter Le Havre around 1pm on Thursday. The hull of Britannica Hav , this ship capsized Tuesday 20th March, 2018 after a collision with the Belgian trawler Deborah , arrived this morning in the access […]

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Plenty of activities in Cherbourg this Sunday

Sunday in Cherbourg: No rain, Only Solutions …

When the weather is not conducive to coastal walks or outdoor activities, there are plenty of opportunities for small and large on Sundays in Cherbourg. Culture / Entertainment 3 cinemas : the Mega CGR and the Odeon in Cherbourg and the Palace in Equeurdreville which broadcasts films of authors, films in original version and regularly proposes debate evenings. Although the VO is not […]

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The weekend weather forecast for Normandy

Weather in Normandy: Mixed Forecasts of Sunny and Cloudy Sky this Weekend

The weekend of Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 February will start with a great sun to restore the balm to the heart of the inhabitants of Normandy. But the rain will come back quickly … Is the rain, the  floods and the snow in the past for Normandy this weekend?  If the weather forecast from Meteo France is not ideal […]

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The candidate of En Marche! gets 71.43% of the votes against 28.57% for Marine Le Pen in Cherbourg, Sunday, May 7, 2017.

Presidential: Cherbourg Widely Chooses Emmanuel Macron

The largest city of the Manche department has largely chosen Emmanuel Macron. The candidate of En Marche! gets 71.43% of the votes against 28.57% for Marine Le Pen. It was the last city whose result was expected in the Manche region. Cherbourg chose Emmanuel Macron to 71.43%, or 25,809 votes. Marine Le Pen, she won 28.57% of the […]

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The prefect of La Mancha Jacques Witkowski has deployed policemen, soldiers and police officers to schools of Cherbourg en Cotentin (Manche), since Tuesday.

Cherbourg: Rumors of Attack Against a School

Police and military are posted on Wednesday morning in front of schools of Cherbourg-Cotentin, after the ‘specific’ rumors of a bombing on some social networks. The Prefect of la Manche is reassuring. The prefect of La Manche, Jacques Witkowski has deployed policemen, soldiers and police officers in schools and public places in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin (Manche), this Wednesday […]

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A college in the centre of Cherbourg, was evacuated after the discovery of a suspicious package

A Cherbourg College Evacuated after a Suspicious Package

Charcot College, located in the city centre of Cherbourg, was evacuated Tuesday morning after a suspicious package was discovered. A security perimeter has also been set up around the college. It was a false alarm. Shortly before 7.30am this morning, a case like that we can find on motorcycles was discovered before the Charcot college, […]

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