37.1 ° C in Nantes: a new record in June…
A new heat record was set for June on Tuesday in Nantes at 17 h 34, when a France Weather station at the airport recorded 37.1 ° C. Not since June 30th, 1952 do we find a temperature approaching these levels, with 36.8 ° C.
The thermometer has exceeded its normal levels on Tuesday, around the department.
Other high temperatures were recorded around the department Ailleurs in the department, the thermometer is not outdone: 37.2 ° C in Saint-Joachim, in Brière; 37.1 ° C to Saint-Même-le-Tenu near Machecoul. It was “only” 35.9 ° C at Montoir-de-Bretagne or 33.5 ° C at Guérande. The temperatures are going to be slighly lowered on Wednesday, particularly on the coast where they are predicting even mist and small clouds arriving from the sea .
But the thermometer will rise fast and high on Thursday and Friday.