Coronavirus: An Increase of 4,600 People in Intensive Care, 248 Additional Deaths in 24 Hours

General News
The number of patients with coronavirus in Intensive care is increasing

EPIDEMIC: The number of people in intensive care with coronavirus increases close to the record of 4,903, reached on November 16th, during the second wave

The number of patients with coronavirus Covid-19 in intensive care continued to increase on Wednesday with 384 new admissions, or 4,651 people against 4,634 the day before, according to figures from Sante Publique France.

This figure has been rising steadily from the low recorded on January 7th, with 2,573 patients, following the second wave of the Autumn. The figures are also progressing towards the latter’s record, which was 4,903 on November 16th.

More than 26,000 positive people

People aged 60 to 79 represent the majority of these patients. Ile-de-France concentrates a large part, with 1,382 people.

The total number of people hospitalized in France with a positive coronavirus Covid-19 diagnosis stands at 26,876, with 2,130 new admissions since Tuesday. 248 people have died in the past 24 hours in the hospital.

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