Chandeleur: Crêpes are Unanimous Across the Planet

In North Africa, we love baghrir, or thousand-hole crêpes.

They are called crumpets, pancakes or thousand-hole crêpes … In a salty or sweet version, crêpes delight gourmets all over the world. Let’s go on a trip!

The Bretons will tell you that it is in Brittany that we find the best crêpes in the worldIt’s hard to contradict them, but Moroccans will tell you that it is in North Africa that we eat the best baghrir or thousand-hole pancakes.

In the Maghreb countries

They are simply delicious drizzled with a spoonful of honey. They are prepared from extra-fine wheat semolina or rice flour (gluten-free). You should only cook the pancake on one side to keep a thousand holes.

In the Maghreb countries, we also feast with msemen, a slightly crispy puff pastry pancake served for breakfast with honey or in a savoury version garnished with minced meat and tomatoes.

In North America

Pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup: a safe bet in North America.
Pancakes, drizzled with maple syrup: a safe bet in North America. (© Africa Studio –

A must for brunch are pancakes. The best is eaten in North America! Imagine them with maple syrup after a long walk on a frozen lake. In your cabin, you surely have wheat flour on hand to prepare them and baking soda to make them lighter. They should stay soft and not overcooked on the top.

In Sweden

In Sweden, pancakes are called raggmunk and are eaten in a savory version since they are potato and flour pancakes.
In Sweden, pancakes are called raggmunk and are eaten in a savory version since they are potato and flour pancakes. (© Larik Malasha –

Have a real meal around raggmunk, like the Swedes… They are potato and flour pancakes. It’s up to you to define the thickness. They should be golden, crispy. You can serve them with lingonberry jam and smoked bacon.

And India

In India, you don't have to wait for Chandeleur (Candlemas) to enjoy the dosa. It is eaten all year round
In India, you don’t have to wait for Chandeleur (Candlemas) to enjoy the dosa. It is eaten all year round. (© Deep –

In India, the dosa is in the spotlight all year round. It is especially popular in the south of the country. We mix rice with lentils, we can accompany them with sweet potatoes or onion chutney. It’s a great idea for a 100% vegan meal.

In Mexico

The Mexican tortillas that we serve with chili or in a cold version with vegetables also belong to the pancake family.

In Russia

In Russia, the blinis win out. In salty or sweet version!
In Russia, the blinis win out. In salty or sweet version! (© Printemps –

Have fun with these little Russian sweets, blinis. You can decline them in all sizes. Choose wheat flour, buckwheat, wheat flour, alone or mixed. Add baker’s yeast and a Bulgarian yogurt, you will obtain tasty blinis to serve warm with salmon, honey …

As for pancakes, no doubts, there are no limits to our imagination. Here and elsewhere…

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