Do you know the dream life of a cat? Sleep by the fireplace or on a radiator. Even if the temperatures drop, that’s no reason to leave them confined.
With the drop in temperatures, the temptation is great to leave our cat inside our home. However, winter is not the enemy of the cat! The cold can even have beneficial effects on the quality of the hair (or rather on the underlayer covering the skin, which will be thicker in this season).
If he feels the cold like most animals, his coat remains an effective weapon to face the season. Even so, peaceful life in a well-heated environment can make it more sensitive. Here are some tips to protect our pets from the cold.
A real indoor thermostat
First of all, don’t panic! Let’s start by trusting our cat because it is equipped with a real indoor thermostat. Observe him… From the first frost, he spontaneously spends less time outside. Because there is no question of depriving him of his little outing, the cat is keen to keep his autonomy.
Used to living his life, to use the cat flap, he needs his daily walk. You just have to be careful not to leave it outside for too long if the temperatures are negative. An inactive cat will have to make efforts to maintain its temperature between 37 ° 5 and 38 ° 9.

An older kitten or cat will be more sensitive to the cold, as will certain cat breeds, such as the Sphynx with very short hair. The Maine Coon, by its size, its fat mass and the thickness of its hair, will, on the contrary, be more resistant.
Humidity, the cat’s enemy
Even more than the cold, what cats hate is humidity. It is necessary to provide a small corner so that it can take shelter. If it should come back wet after a heavy downpour, dry your cat in a towel. Leaving it wet could cause rhinitis, just like we do.
Obviously, it’s all about the dosage … A living room cat will easily be colder than a cat living outside.

We salute the initiative of Martine Chassaing from the Adoption Féline Estuaire association in Soulac (33). She created polystyrene shelters from boxes collected from fishmongers: “cats are thus protected from the cold and the rain”. An idea that could gain ground …
How to feed my cat in winter
There is no reason to change your diet in winter. The cat does not switch to “raclette mode”, its usual kibble is sufficient. However, it will be necessary to ensure its hydration, heating can dry out its mucous membranes.