Demonstrations “and Protest Rallies” Banned in Rouen this Saturday

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Demonstrations "and protest rallies" banned in Rouen this Saturday

Saturday 16th May 2020, despite the deconfinement, it will be prohibited to demonstrate in the streets of Rouen. It is the prefecture which took a decree going in this direction. Explanations.

The announcement was made to the press by press release Friday, May 15, 2020. The prefecture of the department has decided to prohibit by decree “any demonstration or rally of a protest nature” in Rouen (Seine-Maritime) for Saturday, May 16 2020.

A precautionary measure or “an infringement of the right to demonstrate”?

The prefecture press release explains this decision by “calls for demonstrations launched on social networks”, specifying that “the rallies linked to the so-called” yellow vests “movement have seriously damaged the security of people and property in the centre -the City of Rouen since autumn 2018 “. “It is the stigmatization of the Yellow Vests movement,” retorts Patrick Le Moal, member of the collective for the defence of fundamental freedoms, from Rouen.

The ban is also correlated to the current context of the Covid-19 epidemic, details the press release: “It is recalled that rallies on the public highway are strictly prohibited, and that barrier measures must be respected by all in all circumstances. ”

“As soon as the people who meet respect the safety distances, I do not see the problem”, reacts Patrick Le Moal, who concludes: “It is an infringement of the right to demonstrate, which is a fundamental right. 

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