The Chinese authorities announced this Sunday 10th May 2020, the appearance of a new case of contamination with the coronavirus in Wuhan, city deconfined just a month ago.
Almost five months after its appearance in China at the end of 2019, the pandemic that has led to the confinement of more than half of humanity and brought the global economy to its knees appears to be under control in an increasing number of countries.
But the spectre of a second, even a third wave, brandished in particular by the World Health Organization (WHO), is omnipresent.
The Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus had started to strike, came to remind it: the authorities announced there this Sunday 10th May 2020 a new case, after more than a month of respite following draconian confinement.
New cases also in South Korea
In South Korea, where the spread of the virus had also been halted, the city of Seoul had to order the closings of bars and nightclubs, after new cases of spread.
The new home “raises awareness that this kind of situation can arise at any time,” said South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Sunday. “It won’t be over until it’s really over,” he said.

Progressive deconfinement in Europe
Also cited as an example, Germany, for its part, saw the critical threshold of 50 new contaminations per 100,000 inhabitants being crossed in three cantons.
In this country, where the Bundesliga is to resume in the coming days, bars and restaurants were able to reopen on Saturday in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, on the shore of the Baltic.
In France, where a controversial reopening of schools has been planned by the government, two epidemic outbreaks have been detected in the centre of the country, including one after a meeting to prepare for the start of the new school year.
In order to limit the risks of spread, only part of Spain will be deconfigured. Several large cities, such as Madrid and Barcelona, remain subject to severe restrictions.