Health officials in France have announced the deaths of an additional 753 people in the last 24 hours of Coronavirus Covid-19.
What is the coronavirus epidemic in France on Thursday 16th April 16, 2020? In a new update, Professor Jérôme Salomon announced a total of 753 new deaths related to Covid-19 since the last health check on Wednesday.
Since the start of the epidemic in France, 17,920 people have died from the virus, including 11,060 deaths in hospitals and 6,860 deaths in nursing homes and medico-social establishments since March 1st, said the director-general of health.
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➡ Suivez le point de situation du 16 avril
🎙 Pr Jérôme Salomon, Directeur général de la Santé— Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé (@MinSoliSante) April 16, 2020
Currently, 31,305 people are still hospitalized , but a new decrease is noted for the second consecutive day (-474), announces Professor Salomon. 6,248 people are in intensive care.
Since the start of the crisis, 108,847 people have been infected with Covid-19 and 32,812 people have been discharged from the hospital.
Europe-wide, more than 97,000 people have died from Covid-19 and a total of 140,000 deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, which warns of caution and advocates great progressivity in deconfinement measures to avoid a second wave.
Read also: Containment in France: Emmanuel Macron extends until May 11
668 sailors from the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier contaminated
The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle had docked in Toulon on Sunday 12th April 2020, due to cases of contamination on board. In total, out of 1,767 sailors tested, 668 were declared positive for Coronavirus Covid-19, or one-third of the total workforce.
The origin of the contamination is not yet known and questions arise about the management of the crisis on board. A command investigation was ordered “to learn all the lessons”.

Over 760,000 fines issued
Since the confinement was put in place on March 17th, 2020, more than 760,000 tickets have been issued, announced Christophe Castaner, the Minister of the Interior.
“Almost 12.6 million checks were carried out and 762,106 reports were issued,” he detailed during a hearing in the Senate.
And to specify that the verbalization remained “a failure” and “not an objective”.
“Au quotidien, 100 000 policiers et gendarmes sont déployés pour contrôler nos citoyens et le cas échéant les verbaliser. Nous adaptons ce dispositif, notamment lorsque nous avons craint des départs en vacances ou lors du week-end de Pâques.” @CCastaner#Coronavirus #COVID19
— Sénat (@Senat) April 16, 2020
When will the Amazon sites reopen?
Due to a court ruling, all Amazon platform sites are temporarily shutdown . In fact, all activities are suspended.
What about a reopening? “We will try to reopen as soon as possible but I cannot confirm today (Thursday, note ) the date on which we will reopen”, said the director-general France.
This court decision follows a request for a risk assessment against the new coronavirus.
End clap for the amateur football championships
Bad news for football lovers. The French Football Federation has made the expected decision to stop the 2020-2021 amateur championships.
COVID 19 : Décision de la FFF concernant les championnats amateurs et les compétitions de la FFF
— FFF (@FFF) April 16, 2020
A decree that applies to all divisions, in District, in League and at the National level, except National 1. However, there will be accessions and a relegation by group.
The sailing tour of France cancelled
Another cancelled sporting event: the Tour de France sailing 2020 . He was to leave Dunkirk on July 3rd and reach Nice on July 19th.
“After having discussions with the communities, partners and crews of the event, all affected by the crisis, it appears that the conditions for a possible postponement of the event in 2020 are unfortunately not met. The Tour Voile is therefore forced to cancel its 2020 edition ″, comments the organization.
Collapses of business start-ups
Long-awaited on its “complete exit plan” from containment, the government is now counting on an even more serious recession than expected, with an 8% drop in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2020. And business creations are fell by 25.5% in March, INSEE reported on Thursday.
The emergency plan intended to support companies and employees now amounts to 110 billion euros.
Partial unemployment now concerns 8.7 million employees, said the Minister of Labor, Muriel Pénicaud, “more than one in three employees”, at a cost at this stage of 24 billion euros.