This Sunday 22nd March 2020, the government is launching the civic reserve dedicated to the coronavirus to allow the French to help others during the epidemic.
In this period of confinement, what if you gave your time to help others? This is the call launched this Sunday 22nd March 2020 by the government which invites the French to citizen mobilization by volunteering in the civic reserve .
Read also: Coronavirus: 562 deaths and 14,459 confirmed cases, update on the situation in France
Locked in their homes to avoid the spread of the coronavirus, many people, especially the elderly, frail and disabled, as well as many homeless people, find themselves lonely and have more needs.
You can help by distributing meals, shopping, or making a simple phone call.
🔴#Covid_19 Vous êtes très nombreux à nous demander “comment puis-je aider ?” Merci de votre solidarité. La plateforme de la réserve civique est désormais ouverte ! C’est ensemble que nous vaincrons cette guerre sanitaire.#TousSolidaires #jeveuxaider
▶️— Laurianne Rossi (@lauriannerossi) March 21, 2020
What is the civic reserve?
Created in 2017, the civic reserve aims to encourage civic engagement to “develop fraternity, national cohesion and social mix”. It allows all citizens to engage in a punctual and voluntary manner, “in favour of the general interest and embodying the values of the Republic”.
How it works ?
During the epidemic, the principle is simple: the civic reserve is accessible online . After registration, you have access to a list of missions proposed by associative or public structures (local authorities, public bodies, etc.). Just click and offer your help. You will then be put in contact with the structure.
Who can participate?
All French citizens over the age of 16, or foreigners residing regularly in France, can participate.
People over 70 and those with chronic illnesses are not allowed to join.
What missions are offered?
Within the framework of the coronavirus epidemic, four missions are proposed:
- Food and emergency aid: distribution of basic necessities (food, hygiene, etc.) and meals to the most disadvantaged.
- Exceptional custody of caregivers or of a Child Welfare structure.
- Link (telephone, video, email, etc.) with isolated fragile people, the elderly, the sick or people with disabilities.
- Solidarity of proximity: shopping for essential products for my most fragile neighbours.

What precautions should be taken?
In this period of the coronavirus epidemic, the government recalls the barrier gestures to protect oneself and protect others.
- As a volunteer:
- Wash your hands regularly (for 30 seconds with soap and water); Sneeze and cough in his elbow;
- Use a disposable tissue;
- Avoid touching your face, especially your nose and mouth;
- Ensure a safe distance with other volunteers and beneficiaries;
- Do not come on voluntary action in public transport;
- Stay home if you have any doubts about infection.
- Complete your travel authorization by checking the 4th box relating to assistance for vulnerable people.
- As associations:
- Organize activities so as to guarantee safety distances of at least one meter between each person (volunteers and beneficiaries);
- Post safety rules and reminders of barrier gestures in all places hosting volunteers and beneficiaries;
- Ensure safety rules for volunteers and beneficiaries (see below).
- As a beneficiary:
- Wash your hands regularly (for 30 seconds with soap and water);
- Sneeze and cough in his elbow;
- Use a disposable tissue;
- Avoid touching your face, especially your nose and mouth;
- Ensure a safe distance with volunteers and other beneficiaries when you come;
- Wear a disposable mask only when you are sick. If you have a suspected infection, try to avoid going out as much as possible. Get help from a neighbor