Six patients tested positive and one suspected death from Coronavirus at Châteaubriant

Coronavirus: Six Patients Tested Positive and One Suspected Death at Châteaubriant Hospital

The first patient strongly suspected of having Coronavirus Covid-19 died on Monday 23rd March 2020, at the Châteaubriant hospital (Loire-Atlantique). For the past week, around ten patients with symptoms of coronavirus have been hospitalized. Six tested positive. The Châteaubriant hospital center (Loire-Atlantique) is experiencing a first “thrill” in the Covid-19 epidemic. Monday, March 23, 2020, the first patient strongly suspected of having the virus died . The almost 90-year-old man had tested […]

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The state of health emergency will make it possible to take general measures to put in brackets part of our rules and our laws

Coronavirus: The State of Health Emergency Adopted, Here is What will Change for Us

The Parliament adopted this Sunday the bill establishing a state of health emergency. Restrictive measures, requisitions, duration … We take stock of what it provides for. The state of health emergency was declared this Sunday 22nd March 2020. After validation by the National Assembly then by the Senate, this emergency bill to face the epidemic of Covid-19 was definitively […]

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Confinement: Meal Distribution, Shopping for the Neighbours… Here's How to Help 1

Confinement: Meal Distribution, Shopping for the Neighbours… Here’s How to Help

This Sunday 22nd March 2020, the government is launching the civic reserve dedicated to the coronavirus to allow the French to help others during the epidemic. In this period of confinement, what if you gave your time to help others? This is the call launched this Sunday 22nd March 2020 by the government which invites the French to […]

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