Loire-Atlantique in Brittany: A Demonstration Saturday, but Without the Initiators of the Petition!

Local News
A previous demonstration favorable to the reunification of Brittany to five departments, Nantes, September 24, 2016.

The five-province pro-Brittany sphere will once again be calling for the holding of a referendum on reunification in the streets of Nantes on Saturday (September 28th). 

The five-province pro-Brittany sphere will once again be calling for the holding of a referendum on reunification in the streets of Nantes on Saturday (September 28th). It will be done without the united Brittany association, which refuses any “recovery” of the movement. But will give an idea of ​​popular support, or not, to this old claim.

After the derby football this week, won by Nantes against Rennes, we will talk about Brittany, this Saturday 28th September, in Nantes! Proponents of a Brittany five departments , with the Loire-Atlantique, call to demonstrate in the streets of Nantes “for the organization of a referendum on reunification.”

Their watchword is “We want to vote! “ For them, the voters have the right to decide ” whether or not they want Britain to five departments”.

This reunification, these activists dream for a long time, they maintain the hope and they think that this recurring demand has the support of the citizens. “The popular demand for a Britain to five departments is strengthening,” said the Breton Democratic Union (UDB).

A demonstration without “united Brittany” …

“This idea is progressing”, supports the Coordination démocratique de Bretagne, recalling the 105,000 signatures of a petition launched in Loire-Atlantique by Bretagne Réunie to encourage the organization of a departmental consultation. Initiative rejected by the Loire-Atlantique Departmental Council.

The association Brittany met who, curiously, will not call it to demonstrate this Saturday! This event is recovered by leftist movements, which come with arguments other than reunification, we do not want it … , says Paul Loret, co-president of Brittany met. He regrets that he was not consulted before organizing this meeting.

The UDB regrets that the event “is not done as part of a” common house “. But it will still be the five pro-Britain to count. It must ” make visible popular support for the idea of ​​a referendum on the institutional evolution of Brittany “, encourages the Democratic Coordination of Brittany. According to the extent of the mobilization, we will measure the popularity of this ancient claim.With or without united Brittany.

Saturday 28th September  Decidons event in Brittany, at 3 pm, in front of the castle of Nantes.

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