Heat Wave: Some Tips to Protect Yourself from the Heat

To avoid the heat wave, take care of yourself and your loved ones.

The whole country should suffer from a strong episode of heat during the last week of June. Health authorities provide some tips for protection in the heat wave.

France expects to experience an episode of a heat wave “intense and early” the last week of June, has alerted Meteo France. The thermometer should start to skyrocket, above 30 ° C as of Sunday 23rd June 2019.

The episode will concern the centre, the east and the north of the country before gradually spreading, especially in the west of the country. Up to 39 ° C are expected in Paris and even 40 ° C in Lyon, warned the weather forecast site.

An emergency telephone number

Fragile people – children, the elderly, pregnant women, workers outside – are particularly vulnerable. Thus, the public authorities are on alert . The mayor of Paris will trigger the level 3 of 4 of the heat wave from Monday, June 24, says RTL.

At the national level, the Ministry of Solidarity and Health indicates that a public information telephone platform “Canicule Info Service” will also be open from Monday morning.

“This toll-free number, available at 0 800 06 66 66 (free call from a landline in France, Monday to Saturday from 9am to 7pm) provides recommendations on what to do in case of hot weather.”

Last summer, the heat wave caused about 1,500 more deaths than a normal year.

There are some attitudes to adopt to better protect oneself from the effects of heat, as reminded by the health authorities, in particular via the site of Public Health France .

Seniors: do not leave them alone

The Ministry of Health invites any person with elderly people around him to encourage them to register on the list made available by each town hall to receive the support of volunteers. 

Take their news very regularly. Be in solidarity with the poor, especially those who are homeless and encourage them to access refrigerated areas.

Read also: Weather. The heat wave also affects Normandy: up to 36 ° C announced and … 45 ° C felt!

Children: watch out for the sun and drowning

It is essential to ensure that children and infants are always protected from heat. So, avoid going out at the hottest hours, have them drink regularly, cover them with hat and sunglasses and do not forget sunscreen).

“Never leave them in a poorly ventilated room or vehicle, even for a very short time.”

The authorities also warn against the risk of drowning, while these are increasing sharply and especially among those under 13 years . Station to heat shock in case of high-temperature difference between water and air.

Read also: Heat wave in Seine-et-Marne: Up to 38 ° C announced next week

Workers: Drink a lot (but no alcohol) 

Workers, especially in the building and public works sector, are advised to drink plenty of water and several times a day. But you must ban alcohol! 

The authorities also remind employers “to assess the risks and make the necessary decisions, including scheduling to limit the exposure of employees to the highest temperatures of the day and the postponement of tasks painful “.

Read also: Weather: heat wave expected in Loire-Atlantique, the 30 ° C will be crossed

Refresh your interior and stay cool

To maintain a cool environment inside your home, remember to keep the shutters and windows closed during the day, at the height of the heat, and to ventilate the evening and the night when the mercury goes down again.

You can also have a wet cloth in front of the fan or the window, it will help to spread freshness in the room. Remember to turn off your electrical devices if possible and disconnect those who are on standby: they also generate heat.

Public Health France also encourages not to go out during the hottest hours of the day, to avoid physical exercise and to wet the body, or at least the face, several times a day. 

To follow the evolution of the weather forecasts in real time, consult Meteo France’s vigilance map updated at least twice daily. 

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