This Thursday 25th April, 2019, the Head of State, Emmanuel Macron spoke to the press and the French in response to the crisis of yellow vests. We take stock of his announcements.
A new breath for the five-year period. This Thursday 25th April, 2019, Emmanuel Macron unveiled a series of measures in response to the great debate and the crisis of yellow vests, which affects the country for more than five months.
Before more than 300 French and foreign journalists gathered in the hall of the Elysée, the Head of State has specified the conditions of tax cuts for the middle classes, reindexing pensions below 2000 euros or the promise not to close schools or hospitals until the end of the five-year period.
Le sentiment de nos concitoyens : « Vous nous avez demandé des changements à nous, et vous n’avez pas changé. »
Ce n’est pas faux. Nous devons changer notre démocratie, notre organisation, notre administration.— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) April 25, 2019
Ce que les Français m’ont dit :
1/ Sentiment d’injustice ; injustice sociale, injustice fiscale, injustice territoriale.
2/ Manque de considération.
3/ Manque de confiance dans les élites.
4/ Sentiment d’abandon.
Nous devons y apporter des réponses.— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) April 25, 2019
here are the main announcements.
On the representation
- Fewer parliamentarians, limited mandates
“We need to change our democracy, our administration much more deeply. With regard to representation, the President wants to impose a significant proportion of proportional representation ( 20% for the National Assembly), limit the number of terms of office of elected officials and reduce the number of parliamentarians (from 25 to 30% less ).
Emmanuel Macron plaide pour 20% de proportionnelle à l’Assemblée et pour 25% à 30% de parlementaires en moins
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
- White vote and ICR excluded
The President has ruled out the introduction of a compulsory vote. Another demand for yellow vests, he also dismissed the recognition of the white vote. “Citizens must take options and choose. The white vote is the refusal, “defended the president
Emmanuel Macron ne retiendra pas l’option du vote obligatoire ni la prise en compte du vote blanc
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) April 25, 2019
The citizens’ initiative referendum (RIC), which “challenges representative democracy”, will not be implemented as is. Emmanuel Macron was more open to the shared initiative referendum, as was the petition right at the local level.
He proposed to reduce to one million the number of signatures needed to seize Parliament.
Référendum d’initiative citoyenne : “Tel qu’il est proposé, il me semble remettre en cause la démocratie représentative, mais nous devons donner plus de place à la voie référendaire à notre pays”, estime Emmanuel Macron
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
On access to public services
- No closures of hospitals and schools
Emmanuel Macron wants to increase access to public services within 30 minutes of all citizens. He thus promised that there would be no new closing of hospitals and schools, “without the approval of the mayor”, by the end of the five-year period.
Emmanuel Macron annonce qu’il n’y aura plus de fermeture d’école ou d’hôpital “sans accord du maire”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
- More officials on the ground
The head of state wants to “put more officials on the ground”.
Emmanuel Macron annonce “plus de fonctionnaires sur le terrain”
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) April 25, 2019
On taxation
- ISF maintained
The President went on to discuss the focus of his government’s tax policy. He immediately rejected the suppression of the ISF, one of the main claims of yellow vests: “it is a reform to produce, not a gift for the most fortunate. But there will be an assessment in 2020.
ISF : “Nous regarderons en 2020 son efficacité”, poursuit le chef de l’État. “C’est une réforme pour produire, pas un cadeau pour les plus fortunés”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
- No tax increase
He promised, however, that there would be no tax hikes, and even “cuts for those working by significantly lowering income taxes”.
EN DIRECT. “Je ne veux pas de hausses d’impôts et je veux des baisses pour ceux qui travaillent en diminuant significativement l’impôt sur le revenu” dit @EmmanuelMacron
— BFMTV (@BFMTV) April 25, 2019
He also promised a removal of some tax loopholes for businesses and a number of “useless agencies”. But he recalled “the need to work more”.
“We can leave the free choice” as regards the lengthening of the contribution period.
France works much less than her neighbours.
- No holiday less
However, there will be no holiday cancellation. “I’m not in favour of it.”
Emmanuel Macron dit ne pas souhaiter que l’on supprime des jours fériés.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
- Exceptional bonus
The exceptional tax-free premium that was put in place at the beginning of the year will be renewed.
On education
- Fewer students per class
School is an investment. The president promised to make it “more welcoming”. It proposes a better training of the teachers and the classes of 24 pupils maximum of the large section with the CE1.
Emmanuel Macron plaide pour des “classes à taille humaine”, avec “jusqu’en CE1 des classes qui ne dépassent jamais 24 élèves”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
- Towards the removal of the ENA
Emmanuel Macron defends the abolition of the ENA (National School of Administration) and proposes other structures to recruit civil servants.
“Il faut supprimer l’ENA”, confirme Emmanuel Macron. Il plaide pour “refonder le recrutement des fonctionnaires”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
On pensions
- Reindex pensions on inflation
As already mentioned, the head of state wants to reindex pensions less than 2000 euros on inflation from 1 January 2020, and all pensions by 2021.
“Au 1er janvier prochain, je souhaite que nous réindexions les retraites de moins de 2 000 euros”, annonce Emmanuel Macron
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
- 1000 euros minimum
He announced a minimum pension of 1000 euros.
- Establishment of a point system
The system will also be completely redesigned, with the establishment of points for all.
“Face au vieillissement, nous devons rebâtir un système de retraite juste, par points, estime le chef de l’État
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
The legal age of retirement, set at 62, should not change, he promises. “I got involved. ”
On the ecology
- An ecological defense council
The President hammered out the importance of the climate that must be at the heart of the national and European project. He said he wanted a carbon tax at the borders and a “more ambitious green finance”. He also wants to “regularly chair an Ecological Defense Council” with 250 people drawn by lot.
Climat : des citoyens tirés au sort travailleront sur le sujet et ce qui en sortira “sera soumis soit au vote du Parlement, soit au référendum ou à application réglementaire direct”
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019
On Europe
On the question of Europe, Emmanuel Macron says he is ready to reform Schengen.
Emmanuel Macron plaide pour “une Europe qui tient ses frontières, avec un droit d’asile réformé et commun”, quitte à réformer Schengen
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) April 25, 2019