With “Ça, C’est du Concret”, the name of a communication campaign by En Marche launched Friday 23rd November, the party wants to respond to the discontent on purchasing power.
To respond to the discontent over purchasing power, En Marche puts together a package. According to Franceinfo , the movement founded by Emmanuel Macron printed a million leaflets. They will be distributed by activists on the markets as early as Friday, November 23.
The leaflet was imagined in October
The communication campaign, entitled “Ça, c’est du concret “ , was decided in mid-October and therefore – officially – nothing to do with yellow vests . Confirmed by the press service of Emmanuel Macron’s party:
“It comes to telescope with hot news, but is more about purchasing power. We wanted to make a mark and spend time on emblematic measures. In size, this is the largest this campaign we have been doing since 2017.”
En March anyway responds point by point to the demands of citizens, angry at the rise in fuels and taxes of all kinds, and mobilised since Saturday 17th November.
Declared also on social networks, “Ça, c’est du concret ” indeed presents the measures adopted by the government since the beginning of the five-year period. Sometimes unpopular decisions that the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron and his Prime Minister Edouard Philippe have been trying to defend for ten days.
🏘 La suppression de la taxe d’habitation
💸 Le travail qui paie mieux
👨👨👧👦 Les mesures à destination de ceux pour qui c’est le plus difficileLes 17 points très concrets de la transformation déjà engagée du pays qui impactent nos quotidiens ➜ https://t.co/oydhp3eg9t pic.twitter.com/aarXQVTbCK
— En Marche (@enmarchefr) 16 November 2018
Themes, colours and examples
On the flyer, being distributed in the 2000 local committees of La République en marche, we find a colour for each of the three themes: yellow for the housing tax, blue for the work and pink for the measures in favour of more modest.
Each time, they are illustrated by figures and concrete examples:
- Employee contributions were eliminated in October 2018. That is +266 euros per year for an employee at Smic;
- overtime charges will be eliminated within one year;
- The bonus of activity increases from this year for the employees and independent …

The hashtag #CaCestduConcret hijacked by the opposition
To challenge the government’s policy, the detractors of En Marche were quick to divert the hashtag #CaCestduConcret. Supporters of insubordinate France in particular taclent En Marche on rising fuel taxes :
L’équipe d’@EnMarcheFR a lancé le #CaCestDuConcret, campagne de com’ pour défendre le bilan du gouvernement… 😏
On a décidé de leur donner un petit coup de main en partageant aussi des mesures “concrètes” qu’ils vont peut-être oublier ! 😘 #GiletsJaunes pic.twitter.com/TY60s2AKx5
— Le Discord insoumis (@Action_Insoumis) 19 November 2018
Or on the abolition of the wealth tax :
Salut @enmarchefr, ça ne vous gène pas qu’on utilise votre #CaCestDuConcret pour parler de votre bilan ? 😎 pic.twitter.com/L3VIvnfUnV
— Le Discord insoumis (@Action_Insoumis) 19 November 2018
The campaign is also reacting citizens unhappy with the current policy. Some point to the lack of support for organic farmers:
#CaCestDuConcret l’État a 2 ans de retard sur le versement des aides a l’agriculture bio. Des fermes sont en situation de faillite à cause de cela.
Est-ce c’est normal ? Est-ce que c’est logique ? Où est cet argent ? Pourquoi les députés de l’opposition ne s’y intéressent pas?
— gilles klein 💥🗯️🐝 (@gilles_klein) 21 November 2018
Others point to the problem of accessibility to housing:
⬇️AAH pour les couples
suppression du principe d’accessibilité universelle des logements neufs
suppression du complément de ressources pour les personnes les plus handicapées
⬇️ pensions d’invalidité
enfants handicapés déscolarisés
En marche mais pas pour tous— David Gall (@DavidG50_) 20 November 2018
And some are sensitive to the impact of these leaflets on the environment:
Super écologique le papier #çacestduconcret https://t.co/24MnICSMJu
— Jaquie Job (@JobRicarda32) 20 November 2018