Air France: Pilots Announce Four Days of Strike Action in May

Finance General News
Unions have announced four more days of strike action at Air France for May

On the 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th May, the Air France unions call again for a strike, after 11 days of mobilization, for a rise in wages

Three Air France pilots’ unions announced on Wednesday that they have filed a new strike notice for May 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th to weigh in the negotiations for wages.

“We must therefore continue to put weight on our wage demands,” said the SNPL (first), Spaf and Alter (unrepresentative) in a statement, ensuring that the goal is “to sign a reasonable agreement for all world “.

The announcement of these new days of strike action, after already 11 days of strike, at the call of unions of all trades, pilots, stewards and flight attendants, ground staff, intervenes on the eve of the launch of a consultation of airline employees on salary proposals of management.

The boss of Air France, Jean-Marc Janaillac put his resignation in the balance.

5.1% increase claimed

Management is proposing a 2% salary increase this year and a further 5% over three years. The all-trades union calls for a general salary increase of 5.1% this year, in the name of the efforts made in recent years.

Believing that the consultation conducted by management until May 4 is a “maneuver” that “replaces real discussions”, the three pilot unions warn that they “iron (t) seek this catch-up” to “cancel the blocking of our salary scales since 2012 “.

At the end of several days of negotiations, the inter-trade all trades Air France had with one voice refused the proposal of management on April 19 and warned of new strike days in May.

It was to meet Thursday morning to discuss the follow-up to the movement started two months ago.

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