The new peak of pollution that affects many parts of France including the Ile-de-France extended from Sunday most of Rhône-Alpes and in the west of France, forcing the authorities to take action to limit traffic and reduce speed.
In Rhône-Alpes, the alert threshold pollution by fine particles hit Sunday afternoon 12 of the 17 monitoring areas and all departments.
Thus, the departments of Drôme, Ardèche, Loire and Savoy joined the Rhone, Isere, Haute-Savoie and Ain in this episode of pollution related to combustion, according to the press different prefectures.

“Monday, the high pressure is expected to continue, always favorable to the accumulation of pollution. The persistence of certain areas led to the passage alert level “ , says Air Alpes.En Rhône-Burgundy, the alert threshold for particulate pollution was also triggered in Yonne, Nièvre and Saône-et -Loire, said Atmosf’air Burgundy, which does not announce more improvement for the start of the week.
4th day of peak pollution in Grenoble
In Grenoble, which will see Monday its fourth day peak of pollution, major access routes are reduced to 70 km / h after the last toll towards the Alpine city.
Everywhere these alert threshold violations have triggered the obligation to reduce the speed on the roads of 20 km / h, ban burning of green waste and light fires of extra or pleasure fireplaces. Some similar measures were taken in western France, in Brittany, Pays de la Loire, the Eure and Seine-Maritime in Normandy, were also placed in pollution warning procedure .The assembly of the departments of Loire (Mayenne, Sarthe, Loire-Atlantique, Maine-et-Loire, Vendée) will, they placed Monday warning procedure pollution.

The alert level will be exceeded
In Ile-de-France, where the most polluting vehicles will be banned from circulation on Monday, a first, the alert threshold for particulate matter (above 80 ug / m3) should be exceeded again Sunday, according Airparif, responsible for monitoring the air quality in the Ile-de-France.
“We expected to exceed the warning level on Sunday and tomorrow,” said Charles Kimmerlin, forecaster at Airparif.
This new episode of pollution is linked to “an anticyclonic situation and a cold, dry weather, combined with little wind and a reversal temperatures, which will create a bell above the Ile-de-France and veneering pollutants to the ground, “ said the forecaster.
“These are the parameters that will make all the pollutant emissions generated by human activities, including road traffic and residential heating, will […] focus over the Ile-de-France”, a valid explanation for the other regions, which are experiencing the same weather conditions.