The Gas Prices Fall for a Fifth Consecutive Month

Finance General News
Regulated gas prices are to fall for the fifth consecutive month

Regulated gas tariffs applied by Engie to 6.4 million consumers in France, will fall by an average of 1.86% excluding VAT on February 1 …

Regulated gas tariffs applied by Engie (formerly GDF Suez) to 6.4 million consumers in France, will fall by an average of 1.86% before tax on 1 February, announced Thursday.

This is the fifth consecutive month of decline in regulated prices, which have declined on average by 12.6% from 1 January 2015, said the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) in a statement.

“Sharp decline of the monthly indexes”

In February, they will fall back to 1.9% for households heating is gas, 0.6% for those who use gas for cooking, and 1.2% for those with a double cooking use and hot water.

Regulated gas tariffs consist of a retail price, which does not yet include the various taxes, but includes the Engie supply costs. They are reviewed monthly.

According to the regulator, the further decline reflected the downward trend in supply costs of Engie, in a context of falling gas prices on the wholesale market in the wake of oil.

“It is explained by the sharp drop in monthly indices of the gas futures prices on the wholesale market of the Netherlands (main index of the tariff formula) and the PEG Nord in the French market (gas exchange point Nord), for the month of February 2016 compared to January 2016 “, has he detailed.

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