In one year, the collective Dibab organized a dozen citizen referendums, as this Sunday in Saint-Herblain …
Since the first, Saint-Viaud a year ago, twelve cities from the five historic Brittany departments have been involved in this citizen referendum organized by the Dibab collective. And each time, a large majority (85.7% average) ruled in favour of the reunification of the Loire-Atlantique into Brittany.
This Sunday is the first time a city of over 40,000 inhabitants was called to vote on this issue. From 8am to 7pm in nine polling stations, residents of Saint-Herblain, third city of the Loire-Atlantique, were invited to participate in this initiative. Four other consultative referendums were also held on Sunday in the municipalities of La Chapelle-Caro and Malestroit (Morbihan) and Locmélar and St. Rivoal (Finistère).
A chilly participation
If this referendum is nominal, the organizers wish above all “give voice to the people.” However, although the vote is open to all citizens 16 years, French or not, only 12% of them have moved on average to give their opinion in previous votes.
#SaintHerblain : les premiers vote dans l’un des neuf bureaux. #44BZH #AssembléeDeBretagne #StHerblain pic.twitter.com/An49ryZavi
— DIBAB (@DIBAB_BZH) October 18, 2015