In Hérault, the weather forecast is for snow and high winds

Hérault – Snow and Strong Winds: Put Away your T-shirts and be Vigilant

The Weather Channel announces a snowy episode for Hérault, which should be present on the night of Sunday 26th February to Monday 27th February The Weather Channel announces a snowy episode and the yellow vigilance of 23 departments including Hérault, from Sunday 26th to Monday 27th February. Snow is announced as far as the plains and by the sea, and a lot of wind … The least […]

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France experienced 32 days without real rain, new historic record

Drought: France Experienced 32 Days Without Real Rain, New Historic Record

CLIMATE CHANGE: It is the longest meteorological drought ever recorded, according to Meteo France French soils are dying of thirst. Metropolitan France did not experience real rain for thirty-two days, the longest meteorological drought ever recorded, which should however be interrupted this Wednesday with the return of some precipitation, we learned from Meteo France. From January 21 to February 21, the aggregate […]

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Snow is forecast across the Charente

Meteo France Announces a New Snowy Episode Thursday in Charente

WEATHER: Meteo France Announces a New Snowy Episode this Thursday across the department of the Charente The week promises to be cold, with snowfall expected on Thursday, across the Charente department just in time for the opening of the comic book festival More snow this week in Charente, after last Thursday’s episode which surprised the […]

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Weather forecast for Rennes

Weather Forecast for Rennes, this Saturday 19th November

WEATHER REPORT: The weather in Rennes will gradually improve during the day and give way to sunny spells. Temperatures will be 7°C in the morning and 11°C in the afternoon… An improvement is announced during the day in Rennes, where the clouds will dissipate. Values ​​of around 7°C are anticipated. The highs will go up to 12°C while […]

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Meteo France places Paris and the Ile-de-France in yellow alert for violent winds

Meteo France Places Paris and the Ile-de-France in Yellow Alert for Violent Winds

Météo France predicts strong winds in 46 departments, including Île-de-France. Strong gusts are expected in the evening this Wednesday 16th November 2022. Since Wednesday 16th November 2022, Météo France has placed Paris and Île-de-France on yellow alert due to a risk of high winds. According to the forecast, gusts are expected in the evening and night of Thursday 17th November 2022. Strong […]

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Bordeaux weather forecast Thursday 12 August 2021

Weather in Bordeaux: Forecast for Thursday 12th August 2021

WEATHER REPORT: Today, in Bordeaux, a sky with clearings will gradually take the place of the clouds. Temperatures will be 26 ° C in the morning and 32 ° C in the afternoon … Today, the wind will gradually move the clouds away in Bordeaux. A southwesterly wind will blow a little, with 4 km/h in the morning. Temperatures […]

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As here in Soulac-sur-Mer on July 27, July was generally very cloudy in Gironde

Weather in Gironde: In the End, Was July Really That Bad?

IN SEARCH OF THE SUN: Less than 200 hours of sunshine, against 248 hours on average, the month of July in Gironde was frankly not terrible The month of July that we have just experienced was mostly cool during the day, with temperatures often 2 to 4 degrees below normal, and very cloudy. With 50 mm, […]

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15 departments are placed on orange vigilance for thunderstorms until Saturday, July 24 6am at least

Thunderstorms and Floods: Meteo France Places 17 Departments on Orange Alert

WEATHER ALERT: 15 departments have been placed by Meteo France on orange alert for thunderstorms and two others for flood risks until at least Saturday 24th July 2021. Strong storms, the winds violent, sometimes hail and lots of rain: this is what awaits this Friday 23rd July 2021 17 departments placed in an orange alert by Meteo France. 🔶17 […]

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Storms and Gales are forecast for Toulouse and Occitanie

Strong Gales and Storms Announced: Here is What Awaits Toulouse and Occitanie on Sunday

The summer weather should turn stormy, Sunday 9th May, in Toulouse and Occitanie. Meteo France is also forecasting strong gales in the region. What awaits us. The southerly wind will blow strongly on Sunday 9th May 2021, particularly in gusts. After a summer Saturday in terms of temperatures – with 27 ° C felt in Toulouse and up to 28 ° […]

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