The AstraZeneca vaccine to be used for the over 55s in France

Vaccination: The AstraZeneca Vaccine Reserved for Over 55s in France, Announces the Haute Autorité de Santé

Vaccination: The AstraZeneca vaccine has been injected again in France since this Friday but with slightly different methods The French High Authority for Health (HAS) has given the green light to the resumption “without delay” of vaccination with AstraZeneca, but recommends reserving it for people aged 55 and over, in a notice published on Friday. This restriction was decided because […]

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The coronavirus is said to compete with the seasonal flu.

Coronavirus: Virus Transmission Could Turn Seasonal, Study Finds

EPIDEMIC: In their first report, the researchers estimate that the coronavirus Covid-19 “would be a strongly seasonal disease if it persisted for several years” Even though there is still insufficient data to suggest relying on weather and air quality to tailor epidemic control measures, the transmission of the coronavirus could become seasonal, the UN said in a published report. this Thursday. More than […]

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Emmanuel Macron meeting Scientific council to discuss coronavirus situation

Coronavirus: Emmanuel Macron Receives the Scientific Council this Tuesday

EPIDEMIC: The Head of State, Emmanuel Macron will meet the scientific council to discuss the current coronavirus situation and consult them on resuscitation capacities What decisions will he make in the coming days? Emmanuel Macron receives a delegation from the Scientific Council at 5 pm on Tuesday, said the Elysee Palace, to take stock of the health situation […]

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Coronavirus: 379 deaths in 24 hours in France

Coronavirus: 379 Deaths in 24 Hours in France

EPIDEMIC: The number of deaths from Coronavirus Covid-19, like that of ICU admissions, is on the rise In twenty-four hours, 379 coronavirus patients died in hospital, according to data from Sante publique France  released on Monday. A rising figure, like that of patients admitted to intensive care, which has risen above the 3,500 mark. Nearly 87,000 people sick with coronavirus Covid-19 have died […]

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Coronavirus: "20 departments placed under surveillance" announces Jean Castex

Coronavirus: Departments Under Reinforced Surveillance, Vaccination of Over 65s, New Treatments… The Main Government Announcements

EPIDEMIC: Prime Minister Jean Castex held a press conference on Thursday on the evolution of the coronavirus health situation “Act fast and hard, where necessary”. After the implementation this week of territorialized containment measures in the agglomeration of  Dunkirk and in the Alpes-Maritimes, the government is preparing the ground for other targeted restrictions in areas where the circulation of the coronavirus is highest. […]

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Prime Minister Jean Castex, in Bordeaux on February 19, 2021.

Coronavirus: Jean Castex Could Announce New Restrictions this Thursday at 6 pm

HEALTH MEASURES: On Wednesday, the government has repeatedly recalled that the coronavirus epidemic situation “is very worrying” The government’s message this week is clear: The situation on the coronavirus spreading front is not good. The Prime Minister, therefore, chose to go to the front line this Thursday to announce a possible turn of the screw of health measures. He will do so […]

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A study by the Institut Pasteur explains that vaccination must be accompanied by additional health measures to slow the progress of coronavirus 

Coronavirus: Vaccination Will Not be Enough to Avoid the Increase in Hospitalisations, ensures the Pasteur Institute

A study by the Institut Pasteur explains that vaccination must be accompanied by additional health measures to slow the progress of coronavirus The progress of the vaccination campaign against coronavirus Covid-19 in France will not, without additional restrictions, prevent a jump in hospitalisations to a level above the peak of the first wave, estimates a study by the Institut Pasteur […]

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31000 people tested positive for coronavirus in France in the last 24 hours

Coronavirus: More than 31,000 Cases of Contamination and 278 Deaths in 24 Hours

EPIDEMIC: This is the highest number of positive cases since mid-November although hospitalisations remain stable More than 31,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus in the past twenty-four hours, a first since mid-November, Sante Publique France announced in its daily bulletin.  The numbers of hospitalisations and intensive care patients were stable but at a still very high level. In […]

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For several weeks, three variants of the virus have been circulating on French soil. A fourth would have been discovered, insensitive to vaccines.

Covid-19: A Vaccine Resistant Mutation Discovered in France

For several weeks, three variants of the virus have been circulating on French soil. A fourth would have been discovered, insensitive to vaccines. Explanations. For several weeks, France has been fighting against the upsurge in the Covid-19 epidemic. Currently, the Ministry of Health qualifies the health situation as stable, but fragile. Indeed, the positivity rate in the country is […]

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"The situation remains so fragile that nothing can tip it", warns the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal on the coronavirus epidemic

Coronavirus: “We Could Pay Dearly for any Slackening”, Estimates Gabriel Attal

EPIDEMIC: “The situation remains so fragile that nothing can tip it”, warns the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal on the coronavirus epidemic It would be “totally unreasonable” to reduce efforts against coronavirus Covid-19 because the French could “pay dearly for any form of relaxation,” said government spokesman Gabriel Attal on Wednesday. “The situation remains so fragile that nothing can tip it” […]

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